Reverend Matthew Overton and Katherine Carnahan agree 100% , but - TopicsExpress


Reverend Matthew Overton and Katherine Carnahan agree 100% , but we are praying for the souls who are lost. We are praying for those souls who have taken away Adam Braseels freedom from him and set him up. As they sinfully sit at their Thanksgiving table this evening, and enjoy their family, friends, and life..The same freedoms they stole from Adam. My poor brother Adam is sitting in a cell not fit for an animal and is having microwave Thanksgiving stuffing and turkey as you dine on your five star Thanksgiving meal with all your friends and family surrounding you. I pray that God himself will grant you mercy on the day of judgment. As for us, so my brother Adam knows I am suffering with him, I set a plate out fully made for you, my brother Adam, waiting for the day that you sit in front of me, a free man, with him good name restored. For now on, just like on the crucifix, a purple cloth, I am tying one around my tree and mailbox and my antenna on my car in solidarity with my brother Adam whose innocence was murdered and freedom unjustly taken from an innocent child eight years ago. May everyone who reads this message take 30 minutes tonight and reflect on not only Adam but all those who are or have been wrongfully convicted and held. As we rejoice in the happiness of those set free, we still have many more brothers and sisters in bondage who need to be freed. During this reflection of thirty minutes, can we pray..but most of all, but yourself in their position, just for thirty minutes, feel what they feel, smell what they smell, know that your freedom is not coming anytime soon. Knowing that you can hear the screaming of other people being harmed, that you can hear the pleads of mercy from other inmates, all through the night. As you lay helpless, unable to help your fellow man because they have reduced this society into an animalistic jungle and dehumanize them to the point that no one will care or could emotionally afford to care. As you lay in that steel bunk with a half inch mattress and a half inch pillow with no fresh air and no sign of the heavens above, may you feel his pain. May you know the smells around you, the defecation. This is truly hell on Earth. Maybe we all, who are fighting the same fight, just for other people...can we put our differences aside for a moment and unite as one, under a Chapter of the National Alliance of the Wrongfully Convicted. Because in numbers, we are strength, one voice becomes many. Ten become twenty and before you know it, you have a city of people demanding the release of the innocent and wrongfully convicted. No longer will we accept our own government selling out the future and freedoms of the wrongfully imprisoned. AMEN. May God be with all of you on this Thanksgiving Day. In Isaiah 56:1 the Lord said be honest and fair, soon I will come to save you. My saving power will be seen everywhere on Earth.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:48:55 +0000

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