Richard Clarke about an hour ago · .. ( THIS IS AN - TopicsExpress


Richard Clarke about an hour ago · .. ( THIS IS AN INTERESTING BIT OF INFORMATION. ) 12/30/2011 The Council on Foreign Relations runs the United States government and has done so since before it was born, which was, for the record, in 1921. The same people who were its first members were the controllers of Woodrow Wilson from 1913 until his incapacity which began with the flu in 1919, then worsened by a stroke. Wilson’s inability to perform his presidential duties was hidden from the public. He did the United States severe damage on behalf of the Rothschild banking cartel. The damage he did to Russia and Europe generally cannot be calculated. Perhaps his realization of what he had done contributed to his stroke, based on remarks he made about having betrayed his country. Wilson’s treachery to humanity was crowned by his efforts to create a totalitarian world government in the aftermath of his world war. The American people through their representatives rejected the League of Nations which Wilson’s handlers expected him to achieve for them. The angry handlers realized they had not prepared the American people properly for their own downfall. The handlers started the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR was formed in order to put the US under a world government. It is not possible to exaggerate the control of the US government by this private group headquartered in Manhattan. Its membership has grown considerably to over four thousand today and includes politicians, professors, military officers, psychiatrists and movie stars. But most importantly it includes bankers and financiers, the ones who actually make US policy. The CFR’s spokesmen pretend to play down the central role of the club to the public. Its members, though, pledge allegiance to the club whenever they speak. Dick Cheney addressed his fellow members thus: “It’s good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations. As Pete [Peterson] mentioned, I’ve been a member for a long time, and was actually a director for some period of time. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for reelection back home in Wyoming.” (Sardonic laughter by CFR audience) Hillary Clinton gushed recently, “Thank you very much, Richard [Haass], and I’m delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, uh, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here, down the street, from the State Department. Uh, we get a lot of advice from the Council so this will mean I won’t have this far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” She was referring to the recently established DC headquarters of the CFR at 1777 F Street, NW. This historic old building is one block from the White House. The CFR in DC describes itself thus: “The Council on Foreign Relations’ Washington DC office is a growing and multifaceted presence in the nation’s capital. Our goal is to use CFR’s convening power and intellectual resources to inform not only our members, but also Congress, the administration, the media, and the business community.” Convening power. Do a search on those words. America and the world are on the brink of financial and physical destruction only because the CFR has been using its convening power and intellectual resources to inform not only its members, but also Congress, the administration, the media and the business community. They say “inform” but they mean “run.” The mother ship is of course the actual headquarters at 58 E. 68th Street in Manhattan. There’s also one in Chicago at 116 S. Michigan Avenue. All three death houses must be blown up. We don’t need to save them as museums of mass death. They must be demolished. Here’s the latest reason why: A CFR scribe named Matthew Kroenig has just released a CFR essay entitled, “Time to Attack Iran.” You don’t need to read it, obviously; you know what it says. The point is that the CFR is officially demanding that Obama direct the US military to wage total war on Iran. The Council on Foreign Relations is the Rothschild’s invisible ministry of war. Before the Rockefeller brothers, before the CFR, there was an evil little man named Edward Mandel House, who was the chief Rothschild operative in the US. He’d honed his king-making skills in Texas before his assignment to find a suitable Democratic candidate for the 1912 presidential election. He came up with a pompous professor and governor of New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson, who was susceptible to House’s flattery and his ability to get things done. Wilson was the perfect patsy. Before his first year was up, House had put America back under a Rothschild central bank and a graduated income tax. This was followed by starting an international war in Europe, arranging for America to enter the war, creating an international government and arranging for America to submit to that government. ..... jbcampbellextremismonline/5/post/2011/12/time-to-destroy-the-cfr.html
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:00:49 +0000

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