Rivers of British Blood Nero fiddled while Rome burned and - TopicsExpress


Rivers of British Blood Nero fiddled while Rome burned and Cameron goes on holiday while the Islamic state ISIS sends out a threat to the governments of the UK and USA that they will carry their Holy War to establish a New World Caliphate ruled by Sharia Law into Europe and the USA unless their warplanes stop bombing ISIS fighters on the ground in the Middle East. A few years ago such a threat would have been a joke but military men on all sides know that the threat is very real. Most British soldiers are fat and overweight and live on a diet of sausages and chips and bloat their stomachs with several pints of beer every night in the NAAFI. They can’t even run a few yards without puffing and blowing and are no match for the dedicated fit Islamic fighter who believes that he will go to Paradise if he dies in a Holy War fighting the infidel and be met by twenty six virgins! It is pointless ridiculing their beliefs but those beliefs create suicidal fighters who are superior to any British regiments except the SAS and the Guards and if a mass Jihad should come to Britain unless serious preparations are made and our squaddies are trained to fight the trained terrorist within in house to house fighting the streets will run with rivers of British blood. Heavy military equipment is being shipped into Europe by ISIS sold by the arms dealers to anyone who has the cash. Home Office talk of End User Certificates are lies and they know it, but they conspire to cause wars because all wars are banker’s wars paid for by your taxes and British Muslims are being trained in Syria to return and prepare for the Holy War in Britain. The war mongers and their evil masters are traitors because they are supplying arms to Britain’s enemies... The answer is not boots on the ground with British troops killing families in Arab scenarios that involve over 90 per cent civilian casualties but to bring our boys, used as cannon fodder in these theatres of war, back home to defend the Homeland. Every large city in Europe contains large populations of Muslims full of hatred for the infidel and enough fanatical Islamic fighters that if they rise at once will defeat whatever resistance is put up and the choice will be convert to Islam or be decapitated. The Trojan horses are in place hidden in the temples and the Mullahs preach victory and soon the world Caliphate will be a reality. One can see the radical Muslims getting more confident each day and the talk is for a New World Caliphate with the black flag flying everywhere. There is much talk in the mainstream media of supporting the Islamo-fascists in Gaza. The Arab countries fought on the side of the Nazis during the Thirties and Forties in WW2 but we forget history and Hamas who have been firing rockets into Israel every day for years. Many neo-fascist traitors are coming out of the woodwork on a tide of anti Semitism stoked by the mainstream media with “Zionist” as a code word for Jew while Russia is attacked by US funded fascists in the Ukraine. We live in dangerous times in a world perpetually at war and on the verge of WW3... It is hard to see the truth through the daily barrage of propaganda but it has occurred to me that what appear to be opposing sides are both getting suitcases of dollars from the arms dealers. All wars are banker’s wars and there is not one country in the world whose civilian population do not want an end to all wars and simply to live in peace...
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:19:25 +0000

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