Rome FELL!!! The ROMAN EMPIRE FELL!!!!! The HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE became secular morphing into what we now see as THE VATICAN..... USA and EUROPEAN CAPITALISM (and its EMPIRE) will eventually fall due to its ever lasting reliance on Technology, because you see, TECHNOLOGY does not SERVE its something that always needs maintenance and repair and when things go horribly wrong ON THE LARGE SCALE, (you already got a taste of it early in this decade), Technology did not act as the buffer nor savior, etc, you see its a NEUTRAL FORCE.................... Its not my life task nor my life destiny to SERVE EMPIRE!!!! You see, it already failed no matter how impressive the GREEK and ROMAN artifacts are, its really fleeting face value that serves its only purpose as REMINDERS to CONTINUE EMPIRE, and for the milions of humanity that fall prey to this great abstraction and hoax, well, you see what is already happening..... NOW MY PREDICTIONS FOR THE FUTURE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TERRORISM will be LARGE SCALE, .....more LARGE SCALE.......................... GLOBAL WARMING GETS WORSE, more heat waves, more severe storms, etc RACE RELATIONS get more strained in the USA despite all noble efforts to hoodwink us all into believing that its ok...... CORPORATE CONTROL OVER THE PUBLIC SECTOR and GOVERNMENT DOES HAPPEN MORE AGGRESSIVELY, thus: the Countermeasure, is MORE TERROR across the globe from factors that are NOT what the Government wants you to gets worse, believe me.... WEALTH GETS MORE CONCENTRATED............. a few more things, but the reality is that things are getting worse, look at the news via all the internet and you see it unfolding before your very eyes......
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:23:57 +0000

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