SCAM ALERT! THE STANDARDS RACKET!!! OLD, NEW, COMMON CORE, WHATEVER. ALL STATE AND FEDERAL STANDARDS NEED TO BE ELIMINATED! Standards require some type of accountability to someone, and it always is either state or federal government or both. The question could be asked why do standards require accountability: they require accountability because if a standard is set then the authorities (in this case, the state & feds) want to know if the standard is met. So then we get standardized tests that the authorities do not even allow the parents to see. This is a slap in the face of parents who want to protect their children. The test could be on attitudes, personal beliefs, and dispositions. All of which could be used for propaganda and data mining purposes, and it gives control to the state and federal government. Standards also allowed the authorities to set up this awful system of teacher evaluations based on student scores. Oh, lets not forget the grading system on schools that are evaluated using the standardized tests that no one can see and those teacher evaluations. This gives power to the authorities to close local schools that supposedly failed and put in charters. As you can see, state and federal government have gained enormous power from standards. Therefore, in order to make education better, STANDARDS NEED TO BE ELIMINATED, so that local elected school boards can be freed from this state and federal control. After all, almost all the bad stuff comes from them, and our local representative government is hampered, because the school board feels more accountable to BESE and the feds than the voter. Therefore, in order to strictly make the elected school board accountable to voters and less afraid of upper authorities, I repeat standards need to be eliminated. Hey, parents, it is most likely that that unresponsive school board that you have run into is because we have standards. The local district can figure out much better what curriculum to use and what they want the children to learn. The local district principals can also evaluate teachers much better than this VAM system, too. I know in the small school that my children went to, everyone knew who the good and bad teachers were without any VAM. Bottom line, the education system needs to be accountable to parents, not state and federal government. After all, these are their children. Some have said that we just need to get rid of Common Core Standards and replace them with the previous standards. I have even said this, before I knew better, but The People, LLC have researched and found that CCS and the previous standards are essentially the same proving that STANDARDS ARE A RACKET! Please read The People, LLC blog. thepeoplellc.weebly/blog/scam-alert-the-standards-racket
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:52:23 +0000

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