SEND DOCUMENTS THAT INCRIMINATE THE ANC / SACP OVERSEAS! email to don @ bondstaat and we will store it and put it in the cloud ! As a result of our article yesterday titled White South Africa, you have been OWNED! Enslaved and Beaten. which was subsequently shared everywhere on social networks we were informed of a person who was visited by the secret police or macho men. Predictiably this agent Mr Claasen, was very arrogant and aggressive and intimidating leaving the guy no choice but to let them in. They spent two hours on his computer deleting files that incriminate the African National Congress and South African Communist Party. The document proves that the ANC / SACP acted in bad faith during the so called peaceful negotiation sin 1992 at CODESA. The two agents did not have any warrants or paperwork. He explains it thus: I have been warned to keep quiet and I know that I am risking a lot for posting this. These people are trying to discredit me and my findings in two cases I am writing about. Unfortunately I was in possession of documents I was not supposed to have and it was deleted from my computer. What the man did I am not sure - I know too little about computers, but he spent more than two hours on it and when he left, he merely said that I should stay safe and stop my investigations. This is what I decided to reveal about the other documents I had on my computer: I thought it best to say what I wanted to say so people can know the full weight of the problems faced by White South Africans. Notwithstanding the fact that we have all learned the truth about who was here first and the fact that Whites in SA have more right to the land they have occupied over the past 350 plus years, we still cower in the face of the self-righteous liberal world and sheepishly accept our fate as if we deserve it. That is a fact, whether or not some Afrikaner/Boer groups oppose or deny it. The documents that was deleted by a “policeman” from my computer recently included the following information: • Since before 1976, the SACP and their alliances have communicated and reported about their plans to destabilize our economy – to force the White government into submission and to create a feeling of guilt among as many White SA citizens as possible. To achieve this, they knew that they would have to spark unrest by encouraging and fuelling riots to keep the focus on the Black masses while small groups of liberals would demonstrate peacefully at as many venues as possible. The plan was to use educated free thinkers like student groups and that they should keep the ball rolling in this regard. They knew that student groups would spread the “Guilt” far more effectively than any other.... because these groups generally face the least resistance and people hardly ever respond or engage their activities. • Then there is the document that refers to a series of events that will follow and who they see as their main obstacles. These obstacles were codenamed and included some White politicians and other key people identified as “Possible Boer Leaders” as well as some of their own political figures. It discusses plans to “neutralise” these obstacles and refers to the methods that will be followed discussed in another document. This document was marked TOP SECRET and contained some disturbing facts that explains our current situation. • Another document refers to the period after “Freedom.” It discusses how the “cash cow” (tax payer) will be milked in such a way that White people would not question it. That and the fact that our culture of sport and homely comforts will be an effective means to keep Whites at bay and even prevent us from standing together or form a significant resistance. Various referrals are made of how comfortable and naive we are and how guilt will remain our greatest nemesis – how they will use it against us and nullify our right to be here or to own anything. Transferring ownership of all of our assets is discussed in detail and the fact that it will be done in such a way that we offer no resistance as we would be properly “neutralised” by then. Most of these documents date back to the sixties and seventies and it is clear that whoever did the planning was highly educated. I have tried to convey some of the contents before, but nobody seems to want to listen. One extremely important message that repeated itself in every document is the fact that the majority of White people in SA had to be lured into a web of comfort by means of easy access to loans. This creates an illusion of safety and enslaves them beyond the point of redemption. Even our churches are mentioned and how they will be stripped of their “spiritual power” and that our natural greed would create a climate of “every man for himself” and “keeping up with the Jones’”. So, we have come to the point where we have to realise that we have become their slaves. If anybody still thinks that their “mindless” riots are the result of their primitive nature, think again – it is all part of a well planned strategy to discredit the Afrikaner/Boer and to eventually strip us of our heritage and make it look like we deserved it. Those of you, who still think we still have time, think again – looks are deceiving. Those of you, who still use our history as an excuse not to unite, wake up and smell the roses. Think very carefully and take a look at what is going on around you – WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO TAKE BACK and they know it! You can also read the article here:
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 10:24:55 +0000

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