SHELLY MATHIS Kremmling, Colorado Prophetic Intercession August - TopicsExpress


SHELLY MATHIS Kremmling, Colorado Prophetic Intercession August 13, 2013 In a vision, I knocked on a large wooden door in a rock wall and heard the Lord call, “Come in!” I turned the knob and entered to behold an exquisitely lush garden and the Lord standing in its midst. He was holy Light, and I felt that this was the place of communion with Him. He directed my gaze to a large golden fountain that was alive with the sound and movement of effervescent water flowing continuously within. A golden cup was given to me, and I was instructed to fill it with the pure, living water springing from the fountain. At that moment, I heard a cry coming from over the garden wall. I responded and found myself flying over the earth. It was covered in deep darkness, so deep I could not gaze through to see any features below the black substance. But I could hear their cries. Then the Spirit instructed me to pour the water out of the cup as He carried me over the darkness. The water cascaded downward and became like a knife of light that cut the darkness into pieces. Light poured down through those cracks to the people below. I believe that the Lord is showing me that He is calling us into a higher level of prophetic intercession than we have operated in before. The intercession is from the high place of the spirit, not from the ground level of flesh or soul. It does not spring forth from our will, but from His alone - as a direct result of being in unity with Him. That unity will position us in the pure flow of His Spirit, which will in turn produce purity in prophetic discernment and revelation. His prophetic word will “pour out” through our intercession and cut the great darkness of these desperate times like a sharp sword, so the people entrapped can behold Him in truth and be changed. This will not have the appearance of haughty religiosity that draws attention to itself; it is not a high and lofty ministry that we appoint for ourselves. It is the hidden work of a surrendered heart before God, not before the audience of man. This invisible ministry will draw hearts to Himself, for He alone will be exalted. Finally, He will not pour out through us where we are not, but where He has planted us - in our spheres of responsibility and authority. Our responsibility is to yield to His purifying fire, unite our heart with His, and “pour out” where He directs. His prophetic word will indeed accomplish His purpose, and He alone will be glorified. Hallelujah!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:27:35 +0000

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