SILENCE. Using limited terms in order to talk about going - TopicsExpress


SILENCE. Using limited terms in order to talk about going beyond limits is nearly mission impossible. When we emphasize a positive Yang for instance, it already implies a negative Yin, and the boundlessness of Reality stands beyond both and includes both at the same time. As soon as we name INFINTY we right away create its opposite, the limit, and they seem inseparable. The creature needs the creator as much as the creator needs its creature which is its very manifestation. Ultimately, they encounter and merge in LOVE which is INFINITYs core essence. INFINITY that would remain unmanifested would be like a hidden treasure. Sometimes, when I feel entangled with my limited words and dont know how to express BEING which is an essential experience, I remember Jesus who remained silent when asked by Pontius Pilate what is Reality. Reality is something we experience when we just consciously ARE. And nothing can be said about it. Indeed, silence holds a great spiritual power. In silence we meet with the essence of Reality and its INFINITY. This is not for nothing if the monks, could they be of Christian, Buddhist, Hinduist, Sufi or else confession, meditate in silence. And in this silence they all encounter the same INFINITE Reality which they translate, each with their own words and through their own tradition. Now, is it wise fighting and killing each other for a translation of INFINITY which by definitin cannot be translated ? When we remain in silence long enough, what was buried unresolved in us, rises and surfaces in our conscious space, intruding our tranquility with ancient unresolved fears and pains. We must be able to retrieve their roots, defuse their charge and integrate their heritage, otherwise their din will trigger thought identification, flooding silence with cognitive constructions like loneliness, anxiety or somatic pains, which are but confuse remnants and symptoms of an unresolved past. This is why a lot of people feel comfortable among the noises and the trumoil of a crowded and feverish city. This is for the same reason young people need their musics volume turned utterly loud and why in a night club we cannot hear what were saying to the person next to us. Noise helps escaping from Reality and from what remains unresolved in us. Silence is a powerful tool on the return path to Reality and therefore to BEING within us. Silence is one with consciousness which is the very essence of INFINITY. Silence is more precious than any prayer, it is giving way to what IS in us and all around us. Silence offers a path towards unity of all entities and things til the most removed stars. Silence allows reconciliation and even fusion with Nature at our deepest nub. Silence is totally sacred when consciously embraced. Silence is PEACE from which rises JOY and blossoms LOVE. Silence IS and through it you retrieve BEING in you. The silent energy of BEING makes of you a wise human or, said differently, a mere human BEING. This all happens by the virtue of silence if you know how to tame it. With silence you must learn to be a passive observer consciously opened to whatever IS, in you and all around you. In silence you experience nothing else than INFINITY itself. In silence you retrieve the sense of wonder you once knew when you were just a child. Silence may reveal the noises turrning under your skull, which, like restless monkeys jumping in a cage, keep you distracted from your inner silence and your inner PEACE. Indeed, silence and observation are close partners. The outer silence helps your inner silence to be realized, they are but one continuum, one INFINITE consciousness. I make a difference between noise and sound. What I call a noise comes from people disconnected from Reality and identified with their thoughts. It encompasses all the urban noises that, unfortunately, pollute our lives. What I call a sound is what you hear coming from Nature, like the sound of a wave breaking on the shore, like the song of a nightingale, like the whistle of the wind in your hair or the sounds you hear at the depth of a forest. These sounds do not disturb silence, they are part of it. Humankind could, if it wished, stop making noises and only diffuse harmonious sounds that would merge with the great silence... Ali Pahlavi
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:13:28 +0000

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