SIMPCO with the DNR will be hosting 3 FREE Events this weekend. - TopicsExpress


SIMPCO with the DNR will be hosting 3 FREE Events this weekend. If you are looking for something to do with your family this weekend - please join us! The events and links to register are listed below. 1. Wet & Wild: Wild Critters on Iowa Rivers and Streams will be held on Saturday, June 28 at 1 pm at the Akron Library, located at 350 Reed Street in Akron, IA. Paddling Iowas rivers since the age of 12, Dr. Jim Pease is a wildlife and interpretive specialist who will help you find and understand the wild life along Iowas rivers. From birds and mammals to trees and shrubs, Jim knows them and knows how to help you understand them and their relationship with the river. Family groups are welcome. Now retired from Iowa State University, Jim consults on a variety of projects, leads international trips, and can be heard monthly on Iowa Public Radios Talk of Iowa program. Jim has over 3 decades of experience as a front-line interpreter, 24 years as a professor of interpretation to undergraduate and graduate students, two decades as an Extension Wildlife Specialist, fifteen years in youth development and natural resources, and served as director of Iowas Nature Mapping and Master Conservationist programs. He helped design and coordinate Iowas new Master River Stewards Program with Iowa Rivers Revival. This program is free of charge, but preregistration is requested. Click on the link below to register online: events.constantcontact/register/event?llr=oqgqe6jab&oeidk=a07e9d5f3duc89219a1 ******************************************************************************** 2. Freshwater Mussels presentation will be at 1:00 pm on Sunday, June 29th at the Rental Shelter in Little Sioux Park, Correctionville, IA. Freshwater mussels can be found in many rivers and streams in Iowa. They are valuable components of freshwater biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, and help keep the water clean by acting as Mother Natures water filters. For something that looks like a living rock, they have a unique life cycle and interesting adaptations to the environment in which they live. Come learn more! Join Iowa DNR Biologist Jennifer Kurth for a closer look at these one-footed wonders roaming the many rivers and streams of our state. Jennifer is a Natural Resources Biologist in the Watershed Improvement Section of the Iowa DNR. She has a BA in Theatre and a BS in Biology from the U of Minnesota, and an MS in Ecology & Environmental Science from the U of Maine. She works on streams which are listed as impaired for aquatic life, referring to it as environmental CSI. She is currently in the midst of a six-year, statewide survey of freshwater mussels in Iowa rivers and streams. This event is free, but preregistration is requested. Click on the link below to register. events.constantcontact/register/event?llr=oqgqe6jab&oeidk=a07e9e0s7h650e38603 ************************************************************************ 3. There will be a second presentation of Jim Peases Wet and Wild: Wild Critters on Iowa Rivers and Streams on Sunday, June 29th at 2:30 pm at the Rental Shelter in Little Sioux Park in Correctionville, IA. This program is free of charge, but preregistration is requested. Click on the link below to register online: events.constantcontact/register/event?llr=oqgqe6jab&oeidk=a07e9d7p1ii94a467bf
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:59:16 +0000

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