SOCIAL BASIS OF REFORMIST CAMPAIGNS, MOVEMENTS AND PROGRAMMES (July 2013) I. What is the social basis of recurrence of various reformist campaigns, programmes and movements like Garibi Hatao or India Against Corruption ? In its 5 to 7, 000 years of history Civlization moved in both directions simultaneously. Civilization and Capital ( in the modern phase of human history) march through, at least, five pairs of two poles at the same time: a. Poles of abundance and luxury in the ocean of scarcity, squalor and poverty; b. Poles of law and order and rule of law in the ocean of discrimination, civil wars and genocides; c. Poles of rise and fall and re-rise and re-fall of different states, countries, companies, heroes, parties and identities etc. d. Poles of distance from and destruction of Nature and Human Community and the resultant love and lure of Nature and the emergence of hijackable, ersatz communities like nationalism, internationalism, identity, religion etc. e. Poles of past and future. II. Two poles of Civilization, Capital and Development produce their own lack. Lack of Development, Capital and Civilization. They produce the restlessness at the same time to fill this gap. This lack is the eternal moving gap, the soul and the breeding ground where Civilization and Capital keep re/-producing various kinds of campaigns, reforms, revolutions and counterrevolutions, like State-isms, Market-isms , Nature-isms, Socialisms, Neo-Socialisms, Nazisms and Neo-Nazisms, Science-and-Technolog-isms and Spiritualisms of recent centuries -- and various combinations thereof. Garibi Hatao policies and anti-corruption movement of 70s under JP or movement for corruption-free India under Anna Hazare or Arvind Kejariwal in India are recent examples. (Let us not forget firsts of its kind : the measures suggested against corruption by karmcharis in Arthshastra of Kautliya ( 3rd century BC), his precursors in ancient China and Mesopotamia or Maximilien de Robbespierre, The Incorruptible of French Revolution: are as old or as new as Civilization itself ! ). To remove the constantly moving gap we have to question and abolish Civilization and Development itself. Which, in turn, is inseparable from abolition of our existence as workers. Truth is, what elites called Civlization was always work for ( in fact, against) us. For more visit:anhilaal
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 14:56:03 +0000

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