STOP FALSE ARREST THEFT OF HARD EARNINGS, FORECLOSURE AND LAND THEFT IN ITS TRACKS PLUG UP THE COURT SYSTEM WITH LAWSUITS: Turn their system of fraud and theft back upon them using the FAIR DEBT COLLECTIONS PRACTICES ACT THAT SAYS: Definition of a debt collector as collectors: Collection Agencies and Lawyers (Lawyers own all mortgage firms or agencies, they create the fantasy contracts called mortgages, loans, credit, interest, fees, using their own rules, deception, and false representation of who they really are.) Violations of The Fair Practices and Collections Act (remember the collections agents lawyers created these rules and the fantasy contract: to trick you in to believing your protected so when you hire a lawyer they are working both sides of the fence) SOLUTION: REPRESENT YOURSELF TO CORRECT THE WRONGS MEANING IMPLEMENT CORRECTION YOURSELF VIOLATIONS OF THE FAIR PRACTICES AND COLLECTIONS ACT 1. Any conduct of which the natural consequence is to harass, oppress or abuse another. 2. Use of abusive language or profane language. 3. Causing the phone to ring repeatedly for the same alleged collection. (penalty of a $1000,00) 4. Placing telephone calls without disclosing their identity. ( It is unlawful for anyone to call you on the phone who does not have business with you. 5. Using false and misleading representation or deceptive means to collect an alleged debt. 6. Using unfair or unlawful means to collect a debt: Using sheriffs and police, judges, lawyers, prosecutors to aid and abet theft is a violation called: Theft of honest services and obstruction of justice making each of these personally liable. 7. Any envelope received in the mail indicating collections such as the firms name , writing or a symbol is a $1000,00 penalty to them who sent it. (Example: Foreclosure Attorney Default Service Firm) 8. Using any other identity then the true identity of the accused or themselves. So you call the collection agent stating their violations against you and how much you want in damages money you expect. If they do not pay you file a lawsuit in a either small claims court or a large claims court. They are breaking the law every which way to Sunday so they do not want to enter any court. Their only recourse is to pay back what they have stolen. DONE!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:07:46 +0000

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