STRENGTHENING YOUR MARRIAGE - Avoiding Marital Burnout You may - TopicsExpress


STRENGTHENING YOUR MARRIAGE - Avoiding Marital Burnout You may not have even known that marriage burnout exists, which is an unfortunate reality. It is as a result of relationship stress and the effect it has on couples vary. Marital burnout is that time you feel why did I marry him or her, the time when the romantic spark is gone out of your relationship. After deliveries, her breast isnt as firm as before, her hair does not smell nice like before, hes beginning to have pot belly in place of that six packs, there is wrinkles on her face and stretch marks on her body, then you begin to see fresher ones outside and if care is not taken, you start withdrawing from her. Or maybe he doesnt sweet-talk you again; no more lovely text messages, all the special care and attention are fading. How then can you handle this situation when it happens? Although there are joys that come along with marriage, there are also pains. Spouses sometimes feel overwhelmed, overworked and burdened when it comes to the wedding preparation but only few usually consider how to survive burnouts. Are you experiencing marital burnouts in your relationship? Do the following. 1. Pray that spirit away Negative feelings and energy are absolutely not good for us personally or romantically. Ask God to destroy any thought or action that negatively impacts your relationship. Before it becomes a stronghold, its best you pray it out of your life. 2. Discuss your frustrations It is not healthy to hold on to those kinds of emotions and not release them. Talk about those things that piss you off or you dont like about your spouse. Rather than bottle it up and negatively affect your relationship, discuss it so that you can let it all out. 3. Spend quality time alone One of the benefits of marriage is sharing your life with someone, but that can also be one of the disadvantages. Spouses can sometimes get all caught up in marriage and forget about themselves. To be continued... Confession: My home is built on solid rock Prayer: Lord Jesus revive my home. Let your love reign supreme in my family and keep us together as one in Jesus name.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 20:51:42 +0000

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