SUMMER POTLUCK July 14th potluck from 6-8pm Marina Library on - TopicsExpress


SUMMER POTLUCK July 14th potluck from 6-8pm Marina Library on 188 Seaside Avenue in Marina Permaculture Design will be the topic of our July potluck. Guest speaker, Ben Van Der Kar will show how permaculture practices observes and follows natural systems to build vital, sustainable landscapes. Key philosophy points include working with nature not against it, the problem is the solution, making the least change for the greatest possible effect, the yield of a system is only limited by the imagination and information of the designer, everything gardens (or modifies its environment). Some of the practical applications include capturing water in swales, careful plant selections and groupings, recycling of resources such as green waste and nutrients, finding creative uses marginal areas to support abundance. There will also be information about a future Hügelkulture demonstration at the potluck for interested parties. Open to the public and free! Please bring a dish to share.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:10:35 +0000

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