Sandy said that her dog, Saco, an Australian Shepherd*, is an - TopicsExpress


Sandy said that her dog, Saco, an Australian Shepherd*, is an award winning herd dog with blue ribbons. Sandy and Saco train to herd sheep. Sandy does not own sheep. For Sandy and Saco it is all about competition and companionship. Herding, says Sandy, is modified predatory behavior. When Saco gets close enough to a sheep herd, she stops and turns her head aside so that the sheep wont be frightened by Sacos predatory stare. Frightened sheep panic and scatter. On the other hand, or paw, Sacos body language and proximity keeps the sheep in place. The sheep dont know what Saco will do next. Saco turns the other cheek - sort of scriptural, eh? Only in Sacos case, its both a conciliatory move and an aggressive move. It is conciliatory because prey fears the eyes of the predator. By looking away, Saco removes some of that fear. Its aggressive because Saco is close enough to attack the sheep and the sheep know it. When Jesus told his followers to turn the other cheek, it was both aggressive and conciliatory. It was conciliatory for the obvious reason. When slapped across the face, a natural response is to slap back. Jesus tells us not to slap back, but instead, to turn the other cheek. It is aggressive, because Jesus doesnt tell us to back down or walk away. Jesus allows us just stand there. Sometimes just standing there unprovoked is more courageous than striking back. Lets Pray: Dear God, courage isnt always retaliation. Give us courage to stand firm and strong. Amen. Todays Thought is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr.: Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. Sources: Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963, goodreads/quotes/466127-returning-hate-for-hate-multiplies-hate-adding-deeper-darkness-to Matthew 5:39 NRSV - But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; *Note: For an image of an Australian shepherd, please click on this link:
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:29:52 +0000

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