Saw a woman with a flat tire on the side of the road and it - TopicsExpress


Saw a woman with a flat tire on the side of the road and it appeared she had no idea what she was doing. So I pulled a u turn, pulled my car behind hers, turned my hazards on, told her to take a seat and went ahead and started to change her tire. I was on the drivers side of her car and a little bit on the road, I had also parked my car a little further on the road then hers. Both cars still left enough room for traffic to pass by carefully. As I was lowering her car down one Kendal countys finest rolls up from the other direction, stops his car, and tells me to hurry up and that Im causing the backup. I look behind my car and two cars that cant get around because His car was blocking 3/4 of the road! There were also four cars behind him! I continued to tighten the lug nuts, paying zero attention to what he was saying. I tossed the middle aged womans tire jack and tire into her tunk, walked to her window and said she should prolly head to a shop to get her car looked at. Cop was still sitting there. I walked to my car and he yells to me something stupid like do I have a problem or something like that. I said nope. Then said if his mom was proud of what he does for a living, harassing people trying help out someone I didnt even know. Man I really hate douche bag cops. End rant.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:45:30 +0000

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