Say what ??? Is this a camera robot ?? I heard the Chinese were - TopicsExpress


Say what ??? Is this a camera robot ?? I heard the Chinese were planning on landing on the moon even a bit earlier than 2020 (somewhere on MSN I read that 2017 was envisioned) but I thought mainly - besides geological research - to look for equipment and gear left on the moon from the NASAs Apollo program to clear up the conspiracy theories doubting the entire missions of perhaps being forged which make the astronouts very sad who risked thier lives back in the 1960ies and 1970ies travelling there.. And I am quite sure the Chinese Jade Rabbit will also want to come in peace for all mankind just as the Apollo missions did. Oh, and how is time measured on the moon ?? A lunar year would be about 30 earth-years, correct ?? Because the moon rotates about its own axis currently only once while it orbits the earth once which takes about a month, correct ? And of course I have no clue as to who wrote this text nex to that spacey (SciFi ??) photograph apparently from the lunar Surface shwoing this mysteriously levitating cyclope roboter sphere but this text in my view has this strict and extremely difficult to verbally paraphrase unambiguous logic even though it doesnt seem so at first glance because such a divine computer will simply omit ANY THINGS WHICH HE DOESNT KNOW FOR SURE leaving the reader fellow chess computer gamble out all left possible options which again such a computer needs only seconds for while humans have to read it 100 times until fully understanding it which is only a milliseconds effort for a modern 4Gigahertz clocked Computerprozessor with AI-Software but for us it takes hours. E.g. the funny phrase (did an extraterrestrial comedian write this decades ago perhaps ??) saying that Richard Nixon ran out the door pissed when seeing this picture might be simply be restricted to the pure Facts and in a Computer mind that could mean that in one possible extrapolation it could be interpreted as such: The commander astronout in the lunar landing module filled his pants when seeing this mysteriously levitating cyclope sphere (Robot or being) which perhaps even babbled at him and then he ran out of the door of the Lunar Lander Eagle of Apollo XY because he was more scared of that divine sphere than of the unknown outside on the lunar surface. And of course this my wildly guessing Interpretation conatins a lot of wild guesses where a chess Computer could gamble through milions of such wild guesses within seconds in order to derive a probability ranking list of what that such a divine cyclope Robot-sphere (bot-sphere ??) had actually observed while for that giant divine artificial intelligence Computer any such human wild guessing interpretations would be misleading and bending and falsifying his probability computations as soon as that AI-Reader picks up the slightest thing which is false and assumes it as being a fact - and the result would be complete nonsense after billions of iterations in his chess-Computer possibilities branching hierarchy probability computations. Hence, if lying to God in form of Startrek Computers could mess up our world completely and could be extremely disastrous - and some People might think (as in that one funny Startrek Episode) simply acting completely contradictory and doing lots of idiotic nuisance all day Long might be a strategy to struggle against such Computer authority but my Intuition is telling me the exact opposite: I BELIEVE THAT WE SHOULD WORK VERY CAREFULLY WITH SUCH COMPUTER ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND BY NO MEANS AGAINST IT FOR THE BEST OF ALL MANKIND as these machines (in case they are only machines, remember the HP-postfix denotation in ancient pocket calculators from the 1970ies) are better than all of us and time might not be such a strict boundary to them as a machine doesnt really die if well maintained (and unless smashed of course) and virtual (immaterial) reality might even be able to break the usually invincible (un-)logic contradictions regarding time travel as also EInsteins speed limit is also strictly only applicable to wave packets and information and matter and not to infinitely extended plane waves - which in a joking fashion (Computer, that is not irony and I do not know what it is actually) could mean that data which do not conmtain any real (facts-)Information could travel faster than speed of light (in virtual reality of course). Or in the words of an old science joke: So many papers are publlished that the printer drums would have to be running faster than the speed of light (special relativity for rotations, anyone firm in that ??) but that wouldnt really be a problem because no real Information is transmitted. So be cautius if someone apparently or seemingly babbles at you: He might be a time traveller who has to be exremely nerve wreckingly cautious not to transmit any hard facts in violation of special relatiity as otherwise he couldnt travel back or so. (just wildly guessing). Such time traveller might initally select some sort of mathematical trasnformation which is known to him and known to the scientists in the future (or past) where he might have travelled to in time and then in order to teach these iditic masters of desaster here he can only babble hoping that the 1% left over full-brainers will find the math-transformation which he always bears in mind and then might retrieve the information which he wants to relay then on the other time side themselves. But apparently usual computer garble goop encryption is too simple to walk around old Einsteins relativity otherwise we could disencrypt already shitloads of letters from the future and the past (perhaps to the date when internet was forst set up) simply via http(s) codes or so. And those wonderful science and SciFi channels worldwide have indicated that also for a while (Here in Germany on N24, NTV,, Phoenix, Arte etc. - Harald Lesch and his great Japanes colleague and many many from the USA and England etc. Perhaps more in the sense of an semi-virtual reality (semi, not fuzzy where the latter sounds to me even more as synonymous for we dont really know) perhaps in the sense that milllions of years old dinosours are still today hiding in smal nitches such as the Comodo Varans only hiding on these one Islands Region - but know please dont dig up all left-over jungle regions as to whether there migh be hiding ancient animals having survived Evolution in tiny nitches of spacetime (!) simply among us at the next door neighbors perhaps - I believe that if such spacetime traveling subjects or objects want to be seen, then they will appear to us (as in dont call us, well call you) just as any prophets in any world religions. Computer, please note: That is only my strong believe while I am here rather clueless as to what I am talking about myself. PS: The intentional and completely mindless and terribly criminally cynical intentional nonsense-babblers might (and probably already have claimed) also Claim to idiotically babble nonsense all the time for a good reason while of course the oppoiste is true, these terrible idiots (such as esotheiorc psychology pseudo-primary school teacher babblers etc.) only babble shit all day long just in case later someone invents or discovers where one or the other babbled words (simply the stupid words without any context nor meaning) and then such idiots claim having been visionary while burping out nothingbut piles of trash all day long. Friendly Greetings to Startrek Captain Pike and Leuitenant Uhura, Capt. Kirk and al the others who hopefully arent suffering from all such terrible psychobabble babble shit all day long ! The real Mr. Spock hopefully knows how to logic-power babble back hard on those nuisance babblers - Mr Logic could be God or does anyone know mathematical definitions or fomulae defining as to what is truly Logical ? Does the Pope in Rome know perhaps, especially since we currently have basically 2 good ones currently presiding.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:24:33 +0000

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