Schwartz is Finding the Elephant and thinks a paradigm change is - TopicsExpress


Schwartz is Finding the Elephant and thinks a paradigm change is on the horizon that will revolutionize our understanding of consciousness. There are positive signs that paradigms are beginning to change. Stephan Schwartz, editor of the Schwartz Report, an international online publication which provides information on trends in research around the world, thinks that a revolution is around the corner. Although sufficient evidence already exists in many different areas of science (he himself has first-hand involvement in researching the evidence for Remote Viewing), Schwartz thinks the research being produced now around Near Death Experience (NDE) will probably push our scientific paradigm over to a new evolutionary stage. Schwartz says that current advances in resuscitation medicine, where patients are being brought back to life up to 8 hours after they have been defined as clinically dead, are providing opportunities to conduct prospective studies, that is, predictive research on NDEs. The results are not only profound and significant, they are understandable to the person in the street, and for this reason they are less likely to be ignored in the way other anomalies in science are. For Schwartz, the existence of a timeless realm able to provide us with insights confirms what creative geniuses (people who have become famous in history for their innovative and creative skills) such as Einstein, Michelangelo, Plato, Bach, and John Lennon have described, that is, an altered state of consciousness that connected them to another timeless place where they ‘hear the music’. Schwartz sees our ability to access this dimension as hope for humanity as it struggles with contemporary challenges, such as the rising of sea levels, the destruction of the bees, the growing immunity of bacteria to antibiotics and shortages in water. He agrees that part of the problem is that ‘science is not a thing, but a series of silos’ where disciplines develop ‘their own languages’, where ‘physicians don’t cite physicists’ and ‘physicists don’t cite biologists’. REFERENCE: Stephan A. Schwartz is the Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication , both of which covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. Previously he was the founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory, and Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center, Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society, Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, and an editorial staff member of National Geographic. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Stephan A Schwartz: Non-Local Consciousness and Exceptional Experiences Published on March 4, 2014 A Transformation Dialogue with Stephan A Schwartz and Dr Craig Weiner : youtube/watch?v=VWw2B5Y7tG0
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:23:35 +0000

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