September 15 - Whats the Matter with our Heart? Everyone knows - TopicsExpress


September 15 - Whats the Matter with our Heart? Everyone knows that it is a simple matter to redefine problems according to ones understanding of the critical issues. Whoever delineates a subject of concern will usually do so, in order to control the appraisal and the cures. If they are not satisfied with the results or implications of the current assessment, they simply redefine the problem. In spiritual #jurisdictions we see this all the time. Religions are tailor made these days and so are their diagnoses and solutions. Evolving all the time in order to stay current and relevant. Usually how a person defines their problem will determine what type of solutions, religion, or spirituality, they would be willing to accept. So how does one get the correct appraisal of their situation and their heart? For some this can be a difficult issue, for others it is not. For many, they simply live in the same line of thinking that their parents had and that their parents had before them. It is sort of like rolling down a hill, but with a cultural momentum. Others seem to be less grounded and blown about by this trend or that. Eventually, however we must recognize that we are at the wheel and that our direction is in our own hands. Where we choose to get our truth from is of a vital concern. We need to be very selective. From my experience, we are a combination of the two extremes. In some areas we are tied into cultural momentum and in other areas we are very moveable. Some days we are fixed and settled and then other days we are uprooted and changeable. Those are the days when this verse seems impossible and not welcomed: 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV) 58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58 (AMP) 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose]. From my point of view this verse is talking about two distinct things: Yes, first, an #exhortation to be steadfast, immovable and assured that our labor in the Lord is not empty, wasted or without value. But, also, to be abounding in the work of the Lord. this part refers to something God is doing. It is referring to the activity of the Holy Spirit within the heart of the believer. It is referring, first of all, to the work of God to restore, renew and refresh the believers spirit. This work is an exclusive work. It is a work that God does only in the heart of the believer in Christ. He is not doing such a work in those who are not committed to the headship of Christ. He is not filling the believer whose heart is not inclined to receive his fullness. Many are excluded from his benefits but only because of their unwillingness not Gods. Gods wrath is active at present to exclude any that would try to come to him another way than the way he has provided in Christ. God rejects our self sourced efforts. He rebuffs our vain thinking. He is only pleased when we come in the 100% righteousness of Christ. Nothing less will do and nothing more is needed. Grace will do and has done everything necessary. We can come as we are, because he has already dealt with who and what we are. He is waiting to give us all that he is in glory. He outfits us for heaven and does a work in us while we are here on earth. Now if you want to redefine your problem and your needs, go ahead. But be assured that God will stand back and take his hands off. He will wait to be gracious. He will wait for us to be willing to allow him to define the problems and the solutions to our hearts deepest needs. He is after all the true and living God. Lord Jesus, forgive for trying so hard to make the truth fit our needs and perspectives. We are so foolish at times. Help us to submit to you and your work within our souls. Help us to be the living expression of your life while we are here on the earth. Amen!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:40:04 +0000

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