September 24, 2014 Day 220 Evies fever broke last night and I - TopicsExpress


September 24, 2014 Day 220 Evies fever broke last night and I was one happy Mommy. She slept pretty good and was ready to be active today. She had plenty of tummy time and played with her gym. She was one happy girl trying to get the toys and feeling good. A little later, Evie sat between my legs on the floor and she wanted a toy about a foot away from her. She leaned really far and reached, twisted and then fell right over and bonked her head. Her little lip curled in a sad expression and she whimpered a small cry. I looked at her and cheerfully said, Uh-oh, Evie went boom! I didnt want her to be scared so I just smiled to which she stared at me like saying, how come you sat there and let me fall? I know I wont be able to keep her from boo-boos but I can help her realize that she can get back up and try again. For the first time since I have become a Mom, I had the opportunity to visit a newborn today. I walked in the hospital and onto the maternity floor, then into the room to see my friends and their new little guy. I will be completely honest, the whole scenario made me cringe inside because I felt I wasnt being careful enough. There he was in a little crib at the end of his Moms bed without any leads, alarms, breathing tubes, oxygen sensors, etc... I momentarily wondered if any nurse was checking to make sure he was ok and breathing. I began my visit and started to calm my racing heart and then my dear friend asked if I wanted to hold her baby. Of course I did, so I promptly walked over to the sink to wash my hands and then used hand sanitizer. She smiled and thanked me and all I could think was how everyone should be doing this before holding this precious little guy. Evie is my normal so it is hard for me to imagine any other way with a baby. As I left them, thanking God for this new little life, I was so happy to see him healthy and I realized how big Evie has grown. She has quadrupled her birth weight, she is bright and cognizant of things around her. She may still be small but she is growing and I am so blessed. Tonight Evie was sleeping and she became startled - not exactly sure why. She jerked awake, cried, choked then puked, and puked until I had to open her Gtube to get out bubbles. It took about forty minutes and putting her skin-on-skin to calm her down and get her back to sleep. I wanted to cry for her because she was so upset. I have been holding her for a few hours and she is sleeping soundly now. I love her and love bringing a calmness to her when she is upset. Thankfully, she seems to be settling down for the night.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:42:12 +0000

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