Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) writes: There is no - TopicsExpress


Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) writes: There is no doubt that mistake in finer issues of knowledge are forgiven for the Ummah… And if it was not so, most of the scholars of the Ummah would have been destroyed. If Allah forgives the one, who is ignorant of the prohibition of intoxicants because of his living in a country where ignorance was wide-spread, and he did not (even) seek knowledge; then a Mujtahid scholar seeking knowledge - according to what he learned in his time and his place - if his intention is following the Prophet according to his ability, then he is more deserving that Allah accepts his good, rewards him for his Ijtihad, and does not punish him for his mistakes, in accordance with His Saying: Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error. [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 286] [Majmoo al-Fatawa (vol. 20, p. 165)] Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) narrated in Fatawa al- Kubra, (vol.3, p.179) that Muadh Ibn Jabal used to say in every Khutbah: …beware of the slip of the wise (scholar). The Shaytan may speak on the tongue of the wise with a misguided statement, and the Munafiq (hypocrite) might speak a true word. So, accept the truth from whosoever it has come, for, there is light on the truth. They asked: What is the slip of the wise? He replied: It is a word that you become frightened of, and you deny it, and you say, What is this? So beware of the slip, but DO NOT totally abandon him, for, he will sooner or later return to the truth. Shaikh Saleh aal-Shaikh, in his lecture (ٔ ( لف ل م mentioned the principle: : ل لتحص تقل The Shareeah has come for bringing and increasing al-MasaaleH (interest/advantages) and averting of al-Mafaasid (harm/disadvantages of the people). While elaborating upon this principle, the Shaikh explained - with examples from the Imams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah - how a scholar is not to be abandoned completely if he makes a mistake in some issues; - even in issues of Aqeedah - if he is in principle, upon the Sunnah. The Shaikh began by explaining that a Mufti (one, who gives fatawa) should keep this principle in mind while giving Fatawa, and he should see to it that his Fatawa brings about MaslaHa and averts Mafaasid, in all issues; whether issues of Aqeedah, issues concerning the Hadd or issues of Major sins, then he (hafidhahullah) said,If the issue is related to an Alim from the Ahlul-Ilm (people of knowledge), and if the fatawa is concerning him (i.e., an Aalim), then here, it is necessary to look into whether this (fatawa) will lead to bringing al-Masaaleh and averting al-Mafaasid. Therefore, the Imaams of Dawah ( لله ) - from the time of Shaikh Abdul-Lateef ibn Abur-Rahmaan ibn Hasan, who is one of the famous Imams, until the time of Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ibraheem – if the issue was related to an Imam or Aalim or some prominent personality of Sunnah, then they would refrain and abstain from indulging in it (i.e., giving a fatawa against such a scholar of Sunnah). For example, The famous Shaikh Siddeeq Hasan Khan al-Kannuji al-Hindi, who has a position with our scholars, and they value his book, ad-Deen al-Khalis. Although, Shaikh Siddeeq Hasan Khan al-Kannuji criticized the (Salafi) Dawah in many of his books, they (scholars) ignore this, and do not inflate the issue for the sake of (letting the people) benefit from the principle, which is establishing Tawheed and dispelling Shirk. The second example is of the Imaam Muhammad ibn Ismaeel as- Sananee, the author of, Subulus-Salaam, and other books like Tatheerul-Atiqaad, and his many struggles in returning the people back to Sunnah and keeping them away from the dispraised Taqleed and Taassub, and Bidah. But Imaam as-Sananee slipped in some issues; from what is attributed to him is his famous poetry in which he praised the Dawah. It is said that he withdrew that poetry of his with anotherpoetry which mentioned: I take back what I said about an-Najdi – i.e., Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. And this poetry of his is picked up by the people of Bidah, they attribute it to him and also to his son Ibraheem. And they make it known as, as-Sananee used to be a supporter of the Dawah but then he retracted.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 05:33:21 +0000

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