Shannon would love some advice this afternoon: My 12 year old - TopicsExpress


Shannon would love some advice this afternoon: My 12 year old son is on a 504 Plan for Dyslexia and ADHA - Inattentive type. We had a teacher conference at the beginning of the school year to go over the 504 Plan with all his 6th grade teachers so they would know of his accommodations such as extra time during certain testing, reading questions aloud, and sitting near the front of the class. Today we had a second term conference to discuss progress in middle school, and his woodshop teacher blurts out in the conference that he cant have him on any power tools like the rest of the students because its against safety rules because of his dyslexia. He goes on to lie that he had our son try out some tools and that he just couldnt have him use them for safety reasons. We caught him in two lies and the guidance counselor and assistant principal (also present) are going to research the prohibition on dyslexic students from using power tools. Needless to say, I was appalled as was my husband. My son is one of the best athletes in our area, very physically coordinated and not a discipline problem and very respectful to his teachers. My son has been complaining to me all term that this teacher doesnt like him and hes mean, but since its an elective we didnt pay much attention. Theres very little known about dyslexia in our smaller Northwest Florida community and definitely no directed help at the school, but am considering this teacher as completely out of line. Not sure where to go from here...we want him out of the classroom, but the electives are limited that period and hell have to get up to speed in another classroom when we are already swamped with his core academic studies.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:00:01 +0000

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