Sharing a letter I just received from Shema Yisrael... I think it - TopicsExpress


Sharing a letter I just received from Shema Yisrael... I think it is very insightful. I also dislike these labels and do not won any religion. Thanks, Todd! Shalom I recently had a gentleman send me a string of increasingly cynical emails. Apparently he had a bone to pick with Messianic Judaism and thought I was a representative of Messianic Judaism. That was his first mistake. Anyone who has read my materials knows well that I do not subscribe to the religion of Judaism, which derives from the Pharisaic sect, nor do I wear the label Messianic Judaism. The reason is because, for me, it does not correctly describe my faith. It implies that I follow Judaism and believe in the Messiah at the same time. Sadly, the founders of Judaism were the ones who Yahushua rebuked for their errors. So in my view the two terms are not compatible. The term Messianic Judaism is similar to Hebrew Christianity. It is an attempt to describe the flavor of the belief, but it is simply not accurate. Both of these labels blend religious systems that carry false traditions opposed to the truths contained within the Scriptures. The point of every truth seeker is to find and attach to the roots that provide life from which they can draw nourishment and ultimately bear fruit. One of many Scriptures revealing this is found in Isaiah: In days to come Jacob shall take root, Israel shall blossom and put forth shoots and fill the whole world with fruit. Isaiah 27:6 So how does one describe this very Scriptural quest? To start, we need to avoid using labels that are inaccurate. Many people who begin to investigate the origins of their faith have a difficult time affixing a label to their newfound beliefs. They realize that they have been taught traditions and lies, but how much? Do they still continue to call themselves Christians and simply tweak their religion or denomination, or do they start over? Many of those searchers are coming out of mainstream Christianity as they discover that those roots draw more from Rome and Babylon than from Jerusalem. As a result, I always liked the term Hebrew roots. It seemed to best describe my desire to get back to the origins of my faith. Now that Hebrew roots has apparently turned into a movement it carries all kinds of baggage. In fact, you dont have to look very hard to read comments that the Hebrew Roots Movement is dead. Religions, denominations and movements rise and fall, but the truth never dies! Those of us who have discovered the flaws with our religious affiliations soon find out that the path lies in a Covenant relationship, not a church building, a denomination or a movement. That Covenant was lived out by Abram, later renamed Abraham, the first official Hebrew. The word Hebrew literally refers to one who “crosses over” or “transitions.” That label was later affixed to Israel, and a Hebrew is essentially anyone on that same Covenant journey. So while “Hebrew Roots” is a good description for the focus of your journey, it should not become a label or a denomination. Clearly, joining the Covenant involves joining the Covenant assembly, which is Israel. Now calling yourself an Israelite is the most accurate description of your newfound identity, but it is complicated due to the existence of the modern State of Israel. The term Hebrew is also a good descriptor, but in this day and age, it probably would not be understood by most people who equate being Hebrew with being Jewish. In this world that seeks to define everyone with a label, it can become dizzying at times. That is why I think using the correct Name of the Messiah is a definite step in the right direction since He provides us with our identity and since we enter into the Covenant through His shed blood. When we identify with His Name we also identify with the Way, the Truth and the Light found in the Torah that He lived, taught and fulfilled. We also properly identify with the Father YHWH, since His Name is part of the Messiah’s Name. In fact, when we properly identify the Father as YHWH and the Son as Yahushua it takes away a lot of confusion and misunderstanding regarding our beliefs. Of course history reveals that there were other labels used by early believers. Some were called followers of The Way or Natzrim. Again, both are perfectly fine, but they too may require a bit of explaining. I would rather spend time explaining the Name of the Messiah to someone rather than a title ascribed to early believers. Oh, by the way, the gentleman who presumed I was a representative of Messianic Judaism ultimately asked me: “What do you call yourself?” My response was simple: “I am a follower of Yahushua.” To me, that gets right to the point and really says it all. Speaking of the Name, keep an eye out for my new video teaching on the Name that should be up on YouTube shortly. If you havent subscribed to my YouTube channel you can do so by clicking here and subscribing to the Shema Yisrael Teaching Channel. Blessings Todd
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:09:30 +0000

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