Short story about what made me a "believer" and started me on - TopicsExpress


Short story about what made me a "believer" and started me on doing some research into Ganoderma... The place I work at as a Dental Technician had been short a person and pretty busy since last fall. Then one of out co-workers decided to walk out from one day to the next a few month ago. Add to that another lady in our department fell and badly broke her wrist to where she needed a metal bar put in. and just now (think 12 weeks later) can start on physical therapy. Long story short, there was a lot of daily stress and tension. My stomach had gotten so bad that it had to be put on prescription meds, and after being a user for over 20 years was actually about to give up coffee on top of that. I have mentioned before that what hooked me was the taste of the Mocha. Well, I bought a box and noticed that I actually could drink it without problem. Even better, after a few days did not feel like I needed the prescription anymore and have not used it since. Somehow the acidicy of these products do not seem to effect me personally like regular coffee does. Since then I have also started taking some of the neutraceuticals, Mycellium and Grapeseed Oil, will discuss those another time. Again do your own research, OrganoGold is not a pharmaceutical company and does not offer treatments solutions for diseases.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 23:19:38 +0000

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