Since I don’t have a blog yet, this is the best venue for me to - TopicsExpress


Since I don’t have a blog yet, this is the best venue for me to share some reflections on my recent visit home. I’ll get a blog going soon, I hope. In the mean time, here is some insight into the deep inner workings of Becky (if you dare enter - he he ;) ) While spending time at home this weekend I ran into an old friend, one who I used to respect deeply for his determined will and his spirit. But, he was different this time. He was surprisingly complacent. Happy to sit back on his laurels and watch the world pass by. I felt let down. I wanted to remind him that we wont always have our pipe and slippers set out for us. We have to get out from under convention. That’s when I realized that my decision to turn left at age 40 and attend the University of Arizona was’t wrong. Criticism acknowledged, but I literally have to make the sacrifices I am - away from home, away from the place I love and from the people I love, for what seems like forever. I have to rise to this challenge. We should all be getting out of our comfort zones, by the way. Now. Being a Like-style activist on Facebook wont do it. Picking David and Goliath-inspired fights wont make it happen. Rise up, get to work. I dont mean *go* to work. I mean *get* to work on making the change you want to see in the world. Work to collaborate, not to divide. Get your hands dirty, dirt under the nails. Work until your joints hurt, work until your body tells you no, then rise up and keep getting after it. That’s what will cause a shift, that’s what will make this place the paradise we’re looking for. Absolutely, pause to enjoy the world while working, but not instead of working. This how we take on the giants. This is how we will solve problems, bring about equality and justice, and cultivate our paradise. And this is what inspires me to get on Southwest Airlines at 9pm for the 12th time in 12 months to return to what I call (not so lovingly) “the surface of the sun”. Because I heard the call of a lifetime ring, I felt the need to get up for it, and now I can’t let go of it. (Spoon inspired post)
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:33:25 +0000

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