Since our mind is a separate individual consciousness that - TopicsExpress


Since our mind is a separate individual consciousness that deserves this name mind only so long as it attends to anything other than our own essential being, and since it subsides and becomes one with our being when it attends to it truly, wholly and exclusively, the keenly self-attentive mind that is denoted by these words kurnda mati actually ceases to be an individual mind or ego as soon as it becomes truly self-attentive and thereby submerges and sinks into the depth of our being, and thus it is transformed by its self-attentiveness into our real self, of which it is now wholly conscious. In other words, a truly kurnda or keenly self-attentive mind is actually nothing other than our naturally and eternally self-conscious being. Though Sri Ramana mentions restraining [our] speech and breath in association with diving [sinking, immersing or piercing] within, it is not actually necessary for us to make any special effort to restrain either our speech or our breath, because just as our thoughts or mental activities will all subside automatically and effortlessly when we become intensely self-attentive, so too will our speech and breath. Therefore, if we undertake this simple and direct practice of self-attentive being from the very outset, there will never be any need for us to practise any of the artificial exercises of pranayama or breath-restraint, because by our mere self-attentiveness we will naturally restrain and bring to a complete standstill all the activity of our mind, speech, breath and body. Since all these activities are merely imaginations that arise only when we allow our attention to leak out towards anything other than ourself, they will all disappear and become non-existent as soon as we effectively draw our entire attention back into the innermost depth or core of our being, which is the source from which it arises and flows outwards as our mind, intellect or ego. Michael James: II - Blog / 046. Knowing our source by a sharp intellect or kurnda mati - (HAB pages 518 to 521) - 27 - v. 3
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:00:00 +0000

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