Since the white man invaded and colonized Africa, in Africa things - TopicsExpress


Since the white man invaded and colonized Africa, in Africa things have gone from bad to worse. The boundless ambition of European settlers centuries past life defeat these poor people, until today. Oil indemnisen want these poor people can there be so much abuse of the British * The Turkana tribe of Kenya against the British oil company Tullow 10/08/2013 - facebook - Red Alert* Accustomed to a hostile environment in the desert in northern Kenya, and quarrels with neighboring tribes by pasture, water and livestock, the Turkana community now faces a threat underground: oil. "We need the oil, but should respect our way of life. Should be aware that our animals need grass" laments Paul Ekai, one of the sages of the Turkana tribe, largely devoted to grazing. The local community warning that the drilling of the recent discovery of the raw material have affected pastures and could decimate livestock, and an initial production activity these conditions further deteriorate. This past July, the British company Tullow Oil had discovered deposits confirmed that equivalent to about 250 million barrels of oil, with capacity to produce 5,000 barrels a day and expects to start extracting 2015. Before that, the Turkana want this resource not only does not affect the ecosystem, but to reverse the development of the district, the poorest in the country, according to the Kenyan Treasury. "The government needs to provide capital to the Turkana people to invest in businesses and educate their children, to benefit from the discovery of oil and compete with the rest of Kenyans," complains Eliud Emeri, president of the Civil Society Platform Turkana. Turkana is also one of the least populated areas, which very few votes come from that region, and has very little representation in the Parliament of Kenya. Hence the corrupt Kenyan political elite did not pay much attention to the inhospitable district, beyond the benefit that could yield oil. In the middle of a famine in the region in mid-2011, the famous cartoonist Gado caricatured the situation of finding oil in the Turkana people drawing some more interested in having water to avoid dying of thirst in the always controversial black gold. For the MP for South Turkana District, James Lomenen, Tullow should slow down their activities until they are resolved disputes over pasture land and profits, community property. However, Tullow said advance as tactfully as possible, pointing out that the local community consultation before taking further steps to natural resource exploitation. The Head of Corporate Affairs of the British oil in Kenya, Ann Kibuge, says the company respects all procedures. In addition, as part of its corporate social responsibility projects, Tullow plans to build schools and channel water in the area. Other claims of indigenous oil-says-go beyond its powers, as, for example, in security. The government seems to have decided Nairobi plug that hole: in recent months, has reinforced its military presence in the porous border with Ethiopia, from where tribes with which, historically, have struggled Turkana and livestock resources. For the moment, however, it appears that the confrontation of a crossing pass accusations and requests. "We do not want another Niger Delta in Kenya," says Boniface Mwangi Kenyan activist, referring to the complex security situation at the mouth of that river in southeastern Nigeria, oil-rich area. There, from the 70s, the communities of the oil regions of the Niger Delta, particularly the Ogoni people have claimed that the benefits of the exploitation of oil reaching the population and greater environmental responsibility by companies operators and the government. Nigeria has always suppressed the protests, and the conflict gained fame in the mid-90s, when the executive in Abuja arrested, convicted and executed the leader of the peaceful civil demonstrations, Ken Saro-Wiwa. A decade later born the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), which has carried out a violent campaign of sabotage with the same purpose, a situation that neither party wants to get in Kenya. Meanwhile, livestock from Turkana still mulling the grass, oblivious to the hustle oil*
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 05:27:08 +0000

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