Single and Simple...a letter from a confused, single mom I - TopicsExpress


Single and Simple...a letter from a confused, single mom I received another letter from a FB friend/follower that asked a question that I think is relevant for a lot of women today... Shes a beautiful, single, assertive mother and is looking to date. 1. Many men are turned off by the fact that she has children and 2. Shes not really into playing the chase me game that men seem to be wanting her to play. She, like many women out there today, are discovering themselves and making their own lives, independent of any man. And a MAN is someone that will enhance their lives but not necessarily NEEDED so much on the level that theyre willing to be someone different for them. The question is does the age old concept of MEN ARE HUNTERS and women are little gatherers still apply to todays women? Shes a hunter...but very much still INTO men. How does she reconcile this issue? My answer: 1. The man youre ultimately supposed to be with in life will not need you to play ANY game at all. Those men are looking for dates...NOT real women! Usually looking for hookups, not a wife! Any man that youre supposed to be with will appreciate that fact that you have children and will love them, respect them and YOU ultimately MORE, NOT LESS! 2. When you finally meet the person youre ultimately supposed to meet there wont be a level of you play this role, Ill play that role that has to happen. The chips fall into place naturally and there will be an unspoken language between you two. 3. The trick is, while youre single, to NOT force square pegs into round holes. Dont force someone to fit that doesnt fit. The person youre supposed to be with WILL JUST FIT, a little tailoring here and there...but theres not a forceful PUSH involved. Dont turn someone into someone they are not! 4. Dont be someone youre not, for anyone! PERIOD!!! NEVER pretend to be anyone other than who you are100% exactly because the person you are ultimately supposed to be with will LOVE you 100% for that...and anyone else will eventually hate you for pretending! (truth) 5. If youre looking to hook up and just date then by all means, play the game...Oh my God, Im a helpless woman, please CAVEMAN make me fire :) BLAH BLAH BLAH If youre naturally more assertive, then BE that. If you have children, BE PROUD of that. If youre wanting to clean house and make his breakfast lunch and dinner and wash his underwear that BE that too! JUST BE YOURSELF and always, at all times remember, that THAT WHICH YOU ARE SEEKING in life is out there ALSO SEEKING YOU! When the time is right it will happen. 6. Just because youre lonely doesnt mean you shouldnt be single! :) Recognize the personal work that still needs to be done on yourself and focus on that for now...HE (or she) will come along when theyre supposed to! That which you are seeking is also seeking you! TRUTH! Be patient young ninja...your time will come! BOOM!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:50:00 +0000

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