Slot tournament etiquette apparently does not involve trash - TopicsExpress


Slot tournament etiquette apparently does not involve trash talking those sitting next to you hitting the little button as rapidly as possible... but that didnt stop me! Had a great time - big dinner, food, dance, entertainment on Thursday night - too bad Whit missed it because his flight was so late! The room where the tournament was held was full of great food and free drinks and set up all day long - we only went in for my playing time but I heard stories of people who grazed all day and some who never even left! Met some really nice people that we enjoyed visiting with - especially an older couple from Salt Lake City that also have Texans season tickets because his best friend used to work for them until he retired. Now, they dont come to many of the games but they give them to their business people instead. Anyhoo - first round. Woman from Ohio on my left (ohio.. ohio.. ohio... dang Drew Carey show - cant hear the state name without an echo!) and one from Canada on the right. We start playing - of course, it is all random and there is no skill set involved but they are both beating me... So I start saying fun things to the Canadian like Run - INS is coming to raid the room for all the Canadians! and if you arent a comedian, you arent allowed in our country - we only let funny people stay..he laughed so it was all in good fun but apparently, you are suppose to take your rabid button pushing seriously and not trash talk.. The second round, another dang Canadian sat on my right! Did they like open the borders or something?? I tried to talk trash to her but she was too nice... I had to be nice too and say encouraging things like dont worry - you will hit the high points... sucked. The second day, final round. At this point, I am ranked 167 out of 245 people. Yep, my machines sucked... big time. On the right, we had a Texan but she was overly serious and no fun. On the left, a lady from OK. I told them to get ready, I was going to talk trash to them too - the OK lady said she expected nothing less because people from TX hated people from OK. My problem was - I dont hate people from OK. And, after quizzing her on her lifestyle and hobbies, I had nothing. Literally, nothing. I liked her. So, instead, I sang loudly to her instead. Really badly. She enjoyed it. The no fun Texan lady was another story. She rubbed me wrong for some reason. Just too peaceful. Plus, OK was ranked #18 and TX was ranked #17.. and I was a pitiful #167... I had to do something. So ... I sang, and told her the dog needed to go pee (that didnt go over well because her beloved dog died 2 yrs ago at age 15! How was I to know that???) so then I told her (because she had hit five jackpots in a row and I was 10k points behind her) that Satan called - he needed her to go harvest souls and she had to quit playing :-) I liked that comment... Must have worked because I kicked butt, purely due to my awesome skills, not the random luck of the draw of the machine of course, and had the highest score that round AND ended up moving to #21 place which won me $1000 free play! I think it was my mad trash talking skills that pushed me over the top :-)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:44:35 +0000

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