Snobby elitist are clueless lemmings when it comes to - TopicsExpress


Snobby elitist are clueless lemmings when it comes to pollution Ive been saying this for years (also) someone needs to do a study of all the energy used and emissions created by making a single movie, or music cd/video/TV show etc...(Does anyone talk about the amount of planes, 18 wheelers, ships, sets, that ALL spew copious carbon emissions?) Typical elitist hypocrites, (INCLUDING those that hold positions in the upper echelons of green companies and or movements), point their fingers at energy producers, when as a group they create more pollution and use more energy than a small city does. While I’m on the subject, how about the myriad multi-million dollar mansions that are typically 10K+ square feet, with pools (multiple pools) that they have to heat and cool, they usually own yachts, speed boats, plane(s) as well as many cars, motorcycles etc. OH, they may own a so-called electric car, because its in vogue, or need another reason to point their fingers and look down their noses at those unlike themselves. But, they actually cause energy demand/use to go up while creating even more pollution that they purport to want to cut down on. Yet, they constantly side with the so-called 99% and are against pollution. Oh, and for you bleeding hearts, I do not care how many solar panels OR “show” electric vehicles they have, it does not even begin to put a dent into the energy they use and pollution they create.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:40:46 +0000

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