So I got there an hour before to take the valium, only it was - TopicsExpress


So I got there an hour before to take the valium, only it was temazepam but not a lot of difference. They gave me one and a half and I fell asleep in reception but woke up 15 minutes later, and I was offered another half which I took willingly. I went in to my dentist who administered the local in four or five places. The only pain I suffered was the injections into the roof of my mouth. I then went through into a different surgery where I met the lovely specialist. It felt like he was pushing teeth in rather than removing them. The first extraction was fairly quick, the 2nd a bit longer, the 3rd more difficult and the 4th took longer than the other 3 put together (and this one was the reason the specialist was there). None of it gave me any pain. I did have a few stitches (soluble) and there was blood but nothing hurt. The plan for the temporary denture didnt happen. And my bridge is back in place. My face is not swollen nor do I have any residual pain, it is tender to touch and bite but that is all. I do remember when the first came out so easily, I told the specialist I loved him. And when the 4th gave him so much difficulty I asked if sometimes he wished he had become and accountant instead. I cannot imagine anyone leaving school thinking I want to spend my life with my fingers in peoples mouths. I wasnt permitted a hot drink for an hour after the replacement of the bridge. I counted the minutes for that hour but couldnt drink the tea without drenching myself with it. The journey goes on and I am back at the surgery tomorrow. By the end of October this should all be over.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 06:51:53 +0000

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