So Im scanning the channels on direct tv, and see that a Christian - TopicsExpress


So Im scanning the channels on direct tv, and see that a Christian network is live broadcasting a conference called, Pre-Trib Lovers of Zion Conference. Now, I didnt attend, and so cant really comment on the content of the speakers messages, but the name of the conference itself sort of lets several cats out of the bag. This is just a simple call for Christian broadcasters - radio, television, web based, and otherwise - to begin to take theology seriously again. Audit your programs, and examine carefully what youre exporting to the nations. There is no excuse for laziness in these matters. Just because a speaker has a large following and a name and brand that attracts cash, doesnt mean that he or she should get a free pass. It is high time that we held these networks, funded by our dollars, accountable for the things that they broadcast. I beseech thee - you know its serious when the King James comes out - to take theology seriously, and to not give airtime to every would be prophet. End rant. ;)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:35:58 +0000

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