So it has been a little over 9 months since I went into the ICU - TopicsExpress


So it has been a little over 9 months since I went into the ICU with 12 blood clots in my lungs, my right lung about 70% filled with fluid, a nickel sized blood clot in my right Atrium of my heart and in Dilated Cardiomyopathy or Congestive Heart Failure with a heart function of 10-12%... I was told by every doctor they couldnt believe I was alive, I should be dead, let alone how did I walk into the ED, about a thousand other things and one told me I believe you will not live 48 hours because I denied a heart transplant initially. I told the hospital Chaplain to kindly leave when they sent him in to my room to read me my last rights. He was shocked and I said the only one to do that would be Father Tom Mulcron the CFD Chaplain. Then he was there every day after checking in on me. Had a psychiatrist cracking up within 5 minutes of talking to me, because they didnt think I was in the right mindset to be making these decisions after losing my Mom a few days before. The look on his face when I said I would haunt his ass relentlessly if I died in here and they didnt give me a Viking Funeral as I requested was priceless. I have a long road ahead of me, obviously, but I would just like to thank everyone that has been there for me along this adventure. I wouldnt be anywhere I am right now without you guys. I was told 9 months is the game time for seeing how my heart is going to survive long term. Time to adjust medications and have a defibrillator implanted onto my heart. One doc said If I make it 9 months. HA. I was also told it is all up to me on how I accept this and react to it. I have changed my entire lifestyle and will not let this be the end of my story. I know my situation is nothing compared to what some people are going through, but I just want to say that life is still amazingly beautiful and I hope everyone can see the good in each day you have here. No matter how small the good is, life could always be worse and time is the most valuable commodity we have. Love as viciously as you can. Throught all of this one qoute has consistently run through my mind. The final line of one of my favorite TV characters. Harry Winston A.K.A. Opie. Right before he died he said I got this. And you know what, I do. I got this. Lionheart baby. ❤
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:57:50 +0000

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