So much hate and ignorance on Facebook these days. People allowed - TopicsExpress


So much hate and ignorance on Facebook these days. People allowed to loot and burn down their own neighborhood because they dont agree with a grand jury decision. People allowed to lay down in protest in front of police officers on a highway and block people who actually have jobs from getting to work. Ive read the grand jury testimony from Ferguson which is readily available online. Multiple witnesses who lied to reporters to justify rioting and looting then told the truth in front of a grand jury. Most of the people protesting havent even taken the time to read the facts of the case. Most of the evidence supports the officers account of the incident and nobody is reporting on it. I didnt agree with the O.J verdict after he killed two people and got away with it , but the next day I got up and went to work. What the hell is wrong with people these days. Injustice or perceived injustice is no reason to steal and burn down businesses. Freedom of speech doesnt allow you to stand on a car and yell lets burn this place down. What ever happened to common decency and respect for other peoples property ? Disagreeing with whats going on in the country is allowed by law but acting out like a spoiled 4 year old is not. Some of the people who really believe the police are out of control should go live in Russia or China for a year and then come back and see how good youve got it here. Why are so called Black leaders putting so much effort into one case and not talking about all the black on black crime in Chicago and Detroit where young black men are killing other young black men every single day by the dozens ? White kids who commit crime and assault police officers are being shot and killed too but youll never see it on the news. Yesterday a young black man wearing a hoodie shot two high school kids in broad daylight but if me or the police fear a young black man in a hoodie we are racist ? Are you kidding me ! Im really disappointed in America right now and some of the people in it. I guess if youve never been to a foreign country you just cant see how good youve got it here. People need to wake up and get a grip. Shaking my damn head right now. Its time to restore law and order in America and respect ourselves and each other . This is not a black issue its a human issue. The people stirring up all the hatred have the most to gain from it . The other 98% of us just go to work every day and live our lives. I dont hate anyone and I never have.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:51:52 +0000

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