So now the bleeding heart radical left has decided to throw more - TopicsExpress


So now the bleeding heart radical left has decided to throw more of our patriots, who serve with honor, into additional levels of risk. Without even bothering to interview the people that really matter, the libelous liberals release a sanctimonious piece of garbage for purely political purposes. They are pissed off at the recent election results and think this will somehow portray them to be in command of some level of moral and cultural superiority. The only thing they have in their command is clearly a much higher level of stupidity and hate. I have personally experienced the wrath of tolerant liberals inflamed by their recent election losses. They will say anything and do anything . . . the truth, ethics, and self control be damned. A real patriot and recently retired military man who posted a bit of a rant on this subject earlier today inspired me to speak up about this again. Has everyone forgotten what happens when you have someone in the White House that spends their time playing hide the cigar and weakening our military along with our intelligence services? Does no one remember America letting our guard down and ignoring the signs during the Clinton administration? Why is there no influential media or political personalities reminding the country what happens when you miss a chance to track down and kill a known terrorist because you have your priorities mixed up. How in the world can anyone not see the same signs in the past six years. We have an administration who disrespects the military every chance it gets. We have good people leaving government service in droves (military Generals in particular). Militant radical Islamists have gained enormous amounts of money, power, and land. We have a weak president who has past Secretaries of Defense speaking very critical of his actions that have put our country at further risk. And now we have a report smeared with liberal manure that can only serve to further gut our intelligence services, both in funding and certainly in morale. Speak up we must because we are indeed being set up for another 9-11. Liberals do NOT learn from history. They are too busy fantasizing of a life inside their utopian theory; the one where everyone in the world is righteous and peaceful. And they hate America for not buying into this BS they believe which is intensified by the effects of their self induced Kool Aid stupor. I cringe at the thought of having to scream in the faces of these self righteous and elitist lunatics . . . I told you this would happen!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:36:48 +0000

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