So often when I counsel people, I hear a common theme in many - TopicsExpress


So often when I counsel people, I hear a common theme in many common problems people come with...more times than not, we identify a possible generational curse. Once we identify the source, we must then make an informed DECISION to either continue forward in victim of circumstances mode, or begin a process of taking responsibility to change our own destiny. To find our purpose & begin walking in all we were created for. Sadly, 9 times out of 10 people CHOOSE to be addicted to a lifestyle of victimization & therefore, stay STUCK in the muck & mire. For the ONE who will today, CHOOSE ye this day whom you will serve...may I challenge you to make a decision today to BREAK the generational begins with YOU and a DECISION! Period. Dr. Phil & other psychotherapists have it right in one sense, The best predictor of future behavior is past. However, may I challenge you as a CHRISTIAN Counselor & Life Coach to take it a step further? Because the former statement offers little hope. Its pretty black & white. But what if I told you that the best predictor of future behavior IS INDEED past, EXCEPT for when we make a decision to put One who holds all the answers in charge of that future?! You see, if that was all there was to it, what hope would there be for many of us. I should be nothing more than a mere statistic based on that theory. Likely, so would you. But thankfully there is One who is far greater than any statistics. I have seen case after case of those trying within their own strength to break the chains of bondage in their lives fail to make LASTING change. And in the alternative, I have personally witnessed those who make an informed decision to put God alone in charge of breaking the bondage in their lives not only find victory, but do extraordinary things! Not only for themselves, but for their families & those whos well-being depends on the decision that person ultimately will make. God gives us each a choice. To say, Yes, I will! May it begin with me. May I change the course of my future and the course of the future of those whom are dependent upon me. Or to say, No thank you. I have too much pride to do it your way. Ill choose my own & take my chances. Has He given you a way out of your muck & mire today? And how have you responded? And whos future, not only physical & emotional future, but ETERNAL FUTURE depends upon the decision you will make today? Just where the Lord has me today. Thought I would share with those who often ask for my perspective on various things. A little free nugget for whoever needed it today. ;) Xo Coach Jenn ♥
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:36:39 +0000

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