So, our church is having a Trick-Or-Treating station on Thursday - TopicsExpress


So, our church is having a Trick-Or-Treating station on Thursday night for any trick-or-treaters (or neighbors who want to hang out/eat candy/fellowship/have soup and apple cider/etc) that are in the area to stop at along their candy-finding-routes. 5-8 pm, folks! Stop by! (come to the basement doors - down the ramp, so we dont have to catch any dinosaurs that trip over their costumes on the stairs!) :-) We have clean restrooms with ample room for costume re-arranging, games for kids to play, games for grown-ups to play, hot drinks to-go, cups of goodies for the kids, and a basement with NO scary decorations - only excited people who cant wait to see (and exclaim over the awesomeness that is) your kids costumes! Dont dress up? Thats okay! Come play games and hang out anyway! Dont get a lot of trick-or-treaters at YOUR house? Come join with us and let us provide you with a parade of cute costumed children! Now, the real status: I am bringing Pumpkin Spiced Lattes in the crock pot, like I did last year. (which was AMAZING, BTW) Question: Last year for my 6 cups strongly brewed coffee I just made a pot there at church to add to my crock pot, of like super-duper trucker sludge (which I had to keep people from drinking for a few minutes while it finished brewing - very funny time where someone poured a cup and was about half an inch from gulping it down before I realized it). Does anyone have a ratio guideline for making strongly brewed coffee? I think I make my regular coffee pretty strong - or thats what people tell me anyway, so I am not a good judge on this... For a whole pot (12 cups size), how many TABLESPOONS (because coffee doesnt come with scoops from my experience) of coffee should I use? Question number two: Should I make pumpkin pie spiced coffee for my strongly brewed coffee for this recipe? Is that too pumpkiny? Is there such a thing as too pumpkiny? Would this be a waste of my precious pumpkin spiced coffee?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:48:12 +0000

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