So sorry guys but yes, I missed a day. I had an emergency - TopicsExpress


So sorry guys but yes, I missed a day. I had an emergency situation that spanned Sabbath and Sunday, so I really couldnt rise to the thankfulness challenge (on Facebook that is) for day four. So day four is here already, there is still so much to be thankful for and every day it seems that there is so much more added to that list. It just goes to show that if we are intentional we can always find reasons to be thankful and that is one way we can rise above our sometimes trying circumstances. 1. I am thankful for safe travel and the many accidents that did not happen because God intervened and saved me from them, like the one just a few moments ago. Thank you God for your protection of me and my family everyday. 2. After spending more than twenty-four hours at the Emergency Department and seeing so many sick and hurt people come and go, I really appreciate health and wellness. 3. Very often I pray about impossible or uncertain situations and I wait in faith, expecting God to do His thing and He does! Sometimes He blows me to bits with the miracles, or He sidesteps my idea of an answer and does His own thing, which ends up being just the right thing for me anyway. At other times He just does exactly what I asked and expect. Whatever God does, in answer to my prayers, is the perfect answer for me --- I have proven this over! He hears prayers and He answers too! Today I nominate Pastor Alvin A Lucas and Hazel Sam Foster to join the thankfulness challenge where you post three things you are grateful for on your wall for five consecutive days. Then on each of the five days you nominate two persons to join the challenge. Enjoy!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 02:54:06 +0000

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