So the doctors are stroppy again???? And the government want to - TopicsExpress


So the doctors are stroppy again???? And the government want to use regulations to trim the Medicare budget cent by cent hoping itll die the death of a thousand cuts ... My memory of the 1974 and 1975 debates on Medibank was that the Liberal Party were opposed to socialised medicine from the start. They thenabouts had a problem with (i) the DLP senators, who could support some limited welfare provision, and (ii) the Country Party senators, a couple of whom were known agricultural socialists and who were caught in own words caught out supporting limited welfare provision for farmers ... The right-wing of the Liberal Party stonewalled every which way. It slipped through in the joint sitting, yes, but that happened because the DLP and Country Party senators were in two minds about it and Whitlam hoped to get them to vote to fund it. Of course, the Liberal Students have been driving out the liberal wets in a neverending merciless preselection drive ever since. Talk to the IPA and theyll remind you of the British National Health Scheme and how Menzies offered refuge in Australia to hundreds of English general practitioners who refused point blank to work for Britains socialised health scheme. Medibank was always a half-way house between a annual grant scheme like Britains, and the sort of social Darwinist laissez faire anyway outcome the IPA prefer ... Given Abbotts NCC links, he should be worked on, as should the remnant Country Party agricultural socialists, hoping to get stupid regulations blocked in the Senate ... I wouldnt bother to write to Hockey or Cormann as their attitude to the plebs was well exposed in the press. Top hats, cigars, oh God please ... A universal basic health scheme based on the dialectics of desire argument that sane individuals desire health and security lest their lives be nasty brutish and short, a la the barefoot doctor advocacy of the late Chairman Mao, is certainly supportable as outcome though I recognise that my position on that is not popular and those who rule might refuse to fund it ... But the modern medicine of today with ten million dollar heart lung transplants for ninety year olds merely implements oppressive international economic relations that mean poor Africans dont get $10 vaccines the situational logic is that such luxury health care is inherently anti-socialist and unequal ...
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:25:23 +0000

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