So the other day I got a Skype call from a girl who was crying. - TopicsExpress


So the other day I got a Skype call from a girl who was crying. She told me that everyday she went to class and someone would call her fat. She explained how everyday they would make fun of her and at lunch she would eat even more than normal because of how upset she was. She began crying even more telling me that if this continues she doesnt want to live anymore. How could you possibly be so mean that you would bully someone so badly that they want to end their own life? I hope the people who bully her reads this message because people have NO idea the pain they put people through. I just want to say SHAME on you guys. She may not be perfect but no one is perfect... shes beautiful just the way she is! Yeah so what, she isnt stick thin.. who said beauty had to be stick thin only? Its very hard to lose weight and stay fit, so for those who just expect people to just lose weight right away are stupid. I believe she is perfect just the way she is and if they dont see her beauty as she is, then they must have something wrong with their heads. So please stop crying because WE love you, We love you as you are, please accept you for you.. the beautiful person you are
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 20:16:47 +0000

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