So this is a long story so bear with me. On Friday I went to my - TopicsExpress


So this is a long story so bear with me. On Friday I went to my usual tai chi and aquafit classes. Abigail came with me because she had FTX that evening and I didnt want to make two trips. She wanted to stay at the Tim Hortons while I was at my classes so I gave her some money for breakfast and she hung out for the two hours while I was gone. About 30 minutes after she arrived at the coffee shop a man in his 40s came in and got a coffee. He drank it and spent about half an hour staring at Abigail. She was situated at a table where he couldnt have been looking at anyone BUT her. He was making her really uncomfortable but that discomfort grew when he took it upon himself to sit down at the table with her and start making small talk. She tried to avoid conversation with him by texting but he persisted. He asked her name. He asked if she was out of school and she said no, she was only 13. He asked her where she lives (she said Flesherton), how she was getting home, what she was doing when she was finished there, where I was etc. Every alarm bell was going off for her so she noticed a woman sitting alone across the shop and told this guy that she knew the woman and went to sit with her, explaining that this guy was scaring her. From what this woman has told her, what I have understood from the staff at the Tim Hortons and from someone that knows him because he lives in their neighbourhood we have learned the following: 1. He is known for trying to talk to young girls, especially in the tim hortons where he is a regular. 2. He MAY have been jailed previously for molestation. 3. The lady that knows who he is knows of families that have had him attack their daughters. I hesitate to call whatever he did to these girls attacking because I would think that they would have reported him and to her knowledge no one has done so. 4. He has a friend who he hangs out with all of the time who is considered to be as much of a threat as he is. When I arrived to get her, he followed Abigail out of the restaurant and watched her get into the car. When she was getting into the car I noticed this guys friend come across the parking lot to stand with him. In the end, we spoke with the manager at the Tim Hortons to make her aware that he was doing this type of thing there. She and her staff were aware that this has happened in the past while he is there at the Tims. I called the police because I felt that there was something really wrong with him. I dont think that I expected that they would do much because he didnt do anything but talk to her (although I have no doubt he would have done much more if he could have gotten her alone). I spoke with them Friday. Today they called Abigail to get additional details on the situation. They are also contacting the woman that lives in his neighbourhood. On top of all of that, they are going into Tim Hortons and viewing their video footage of the day that he was there bothering Abigail. I have a feeling that this man has done something really wrong in the past because they are taking this really seriously.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:36:59 +0000

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