So, we are having a Bullying situation at school. Except this time - TopicsExpress


So, we are having a Bullying situation at school. Except this time it is a parent. This parent is confrontational and speaks horribly to the children and my Abby does not want to have anything to do with this woman. Yes, Abby has responded in a rude way to the parent and I have advised her to apologize and state WHY she does not like this parent. Now this woman has got me involved with saying Abby called her son a HORRIBLE name. I know what I have, and she would NOT call anyone by this name. She also claimed another child was also accused of the same, and that child is the last one who would say something like that. I had to go to school this morning with just one cup of coffee in my system and I told myself I would not talk to this parent without school administration present. So I walk in to school and there she is, Abby walks by her and doesnt say anything to the parent and this parent went ballistic! Berating me over my daughters behavior. Seriously?! I tell her Not now, well talk later in a calm voice, and she keeps at it. As I kept saying Not now raising my voice each time, in front of the front office, she gets in my face and tells me not to raise my voice at her. I told her What part of not now do you not understand? She keeps at it and I just walked away, noticing that the ladies in the front office were surprised at my behavior (I actually am pretty well behaved at school and I have a good reputation. No, really!). The other parents whose child was also accused of using the ugly word were already there with the school principal. I stated the conversation I had had with the parent yesterday afternoon (she had called me) and while the parent was on the phone, I asked Abby if she did say that word. She adamantly denied it, I believed her. I told the parent that I found it hard to believe my child would say that and she went on a rant. Then she went on about how Abby is disrespectful to her and what not and I advised her I would talk to Abby. THEN she went on to claim certain things about the other child that I also found hard to believe. In a nutshell, I spoke with both parents of the other little girl and I discovered so many negative things about the parent of the accuser, that it made my blood boil. DONT MESS WITH MY KID! Because of protocol, our hands are tied. I HATE confrontations, but let her get in my face one more time. Im not from here, and even though I am medicated for my Bipolarity, I WILL go New York Dominican on her ass! What do you think?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:01:59 +0000

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