So what about Healthcare... Will the affordable care act create - TopicsExpress


So what about Healthcare... Will the affordable care act create jobs in Washington state? Washington state has roughly 7 million people, and of that 14 percent are uninsured. This means about 980,000 people are uninsured. Just to be fair lets say only 75% of them become insured within the next two years. So 735,000 people flooding into the healthcare system is going make people lose jobs in our state? Okay are you still with me? Now divide that number by the number of Non federal hospitals in Washington which is 62 hospitals. Now you end up with 11855 new patients for each one. Of the 62 hospitals 38 of them receive less than 11855 patients per year, and many of them are satellite hospitals for the bigger ones on this list. So in order to accommodate this the hospitals are going to have to increase in size, and hire more staff and professionals. So in our state I am wondering why people are toting that jobs will be lost, when the real data (you know based on fact) represents a different outcome. I do have an understanding that some people may have issues paying for healthcare and could fall in to poverty because of it, and I also understand that the burden of paying for health insurance for some of us is going to be great. I dont like Obama Care for different reasons, but based on the data I question what right winged radicals are toting at truth. Side note, I have no political affiliation. In my opinion they are nothing but rival gangs fighting over territory. Information gathered from ahd/state_statistics.html https://google/search?q=goo&oq=goo&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j0l2j69i65j69i60l2.440j0j4&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:58:25 +0000

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