So yesterday, I decided to do something I havent done in years - - TopicsExpress


So yesterday, I decided to do something I havent done in years - good news shout outs to the parents of some of my ninth graders. I picked the highest performing or most improved 3 or 4 kids from each hour and called their parents to let them know how great their child is doing. Parents reactions are soooooo funny to this! First of all, when they hear, Hello. This is Mrs. Green from Cass Tech. I am Xs English teacher they *expect* something is wrong. They go from a cheerful Hello when they answered the phone to a tentative yeeeesss???.... after I say who I am. I can just imagine them thinking, Ok, I need to know how long and how hard I have to beat this kid.... Then I say, Im just calling to say your child is doing a *fantastic* job right now...blah...details...blah. THEN I get, What?! Ive never gotten a call like this! Thank you! And, I will have to reward him/her! And several who said, This made my day! My absolute *favorite* mom said, Well, I guess I *will* feed him tonight! I am going to do this more often. Its frustrating to only complain about kids AND there are far too many kids out there doing it well who dont get recognized for it. Often parents will say, That is what you are SUPPOSE to do! While thats true, it sure is nice to be appreciated for doing well. It made MY day to make their day. Teachers - give it a try!! Make a few parents day brighter today. :)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:13:56 +0000

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