Some of the biggest changes individuals can make, to bring down - TopicsExpress


Some of the biggest changes individuals can make, to bring down their personal carbon footprints, include: - not having children - cutting out meat and dairy from their diets - working from home - never flying again By a show of hands, which would: a) you opt for, and b) do you think is most likely to attract buyers? * Hasty Post Script small print addition: this is really just a thought exercise, based on a lot of material Ive been processing lately re sustainability. Its not a judgement of anyones lifestyles or decisions... Im just curious as to what would work for you, if you wanted to choose any of these... for instance, I might be inclined to say sod it, Ill bathe in dairy because I dont have kids, I work from home and I seldom fly... but Id still prefer to keep meet consumption down because of ethical reasons. Post post script: this is partly in response to the idea that most people have, that if they recycle their garbage and use energy efficient light bulbs that theyve done enough - these, Im afraid, are really just window dressing and lull us into a complacency which is problematic.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:26:56 +0000

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