Some people are born smart or have been nurtured into being smart. - TopicsExpress


Some people are born smart or have been nurtured into being smart. Most of us accept that as a fate which is not available to us so we get on with living our lives using what has been bestowed upon us. You can alter these misfortunes of life by acting and appearing smart. You can apply your given intelligence to developing your insight, your thinking processes and clarity of perception with the aid of many tools. DECISION MAKING PROCESSES vary according to importance, urgency, available resources, goals and objectives, people involved and, almost limitless situations. There are many methods for reaching a decision and thousands of books and internet sources explaining these techniques. Select ten or more that solve different situations. Practice these processes until they become an integral part of your decision making style. Eventually, you will be able to make quick and appropriate decisions or, at least, know immediately how to begin the appropriate solution. MIND MAPPING is a great exercise for people preferring diagrams to describe such things as relative importance. sequence of actions, relationships, etc. Take the time and effort to apply mind mapping to every complex procedure you approach. Gradually reduce your reliance on specific details. Soon, you will have a thinking discipline you can perform instantly in any situation while referring to the mind map you visualize in your brain. Behind your back they will be saying how smart you are. SPREADSHEETS transform small or large sets of data by quantifying, sorting, ranking, scheduling and any number techniques. Experimenting with variations and permutations can develop your ability to analyze, summarize, calculate and gain insight into data collections. Encourage your transfer of learning so you can think more clearly without the aid of actual spreadsheets. As you become more adept with spread sheeting “What Ifs,” you will begin visualizing virtual matrices in your “smart-acting” brain during management discussions. MEMORY JOGGERS can be lists organized for easier memorization or routines and procedures. After frequent usage your crib sheet will become redundant as your memory improves. Many people equate a good memory with being smart. CONTRACTING OUT to coaches and consultants speeds up your production of smart actions. Fees can be in cash or in a mutual exchange of benefits or services. Instead of allowing your coach to give you solutions, have the coach teach you how to solve. Teach yourself to emulate their thinking processes. Gradually, their wisdom will become your own. FOCUS YOUR STUDIES and informal reading on how to act and appear smart. Brain wash yourself with regular and frequent absorption of any information with a potential to improve your thinking and behavior. Never divulge the techniques you used to do or say smart things. Just let them think you are smart. These are only a few of the ways to compensate for not being born smart with a golden spoon in your mouth.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 12:11:01 +0000

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