Someone asked me yesterday what islamic countries I have lived - TopicsExpress


Someone asked me yesterday what islamic countries I have lived in.... Back in 1961 I sailed from Sydney on an Achilles Lauro passenger liner to Penang, Malaysia. I went to the RAAF high school on Penang, had Malaysian maids, and even a few Malay friends....although I always preferred the Chinese better. I got my first insight into islamic violence in a very close up and personal way. One day our Malay maid came to work crying and in obvious physical pain. She kept saying that her husband ghosti when we asked her what the problem was. She could barely speak any English and at that time I didnt speak Malay. At first, we thought her husband had died...become a ghost. But after much questioning it turned out that he had beaten her up with a golf stick....(ghosti) We arrived just one year after the Malaysian Emergency ended, a nasty war against Chinese Communists. This gives an overview of the war: However, the troubles were far from over. We could feel the simmering hatred between the islamic Malays, the pig-eating Chinese, and the Indian Tamils. This was brought home to me a few years later in 1978 when I hitchhiked from Penang to Singapore. I got a ride with a Tamil truck driver first. He complained about the Chinese having all the money (they are the business people and keep the Malay economy running), and the Malays making all the rules in government. Then I got a ride with a Chinese pig farmer who complained about the Indians having to do all the dirty work because the Malays in government wouldnt allow them to do anything else. They also hated the Chinese, he said, because they bred and ate pigs. Finally, I got a ride with a Malay and all he did was complain about the other two races for the same reasons. I asked each of them why they didnt try and resolve their differences, but they each said it was impossible. These problems have never gone away. There will be trouble in Malaya again some day...probably very soon now that the islamists are flexing their muscles again.. The year after I returned home, Singapore experienced a huge race riot in 1964 between the Chinese and Malays. That was the catalyst for the Chinese to eventually secede from Malaya and become an independent nation. In 1978 I left Australia again to travel through Indonesia. I spent time in Bali, Lombok, Java, Sumatra and finally returned to Malaysia. Everywhere I went it was obvious that the islamists hated us westerners...and that the hatred had grown. Nothing overt, but they were unfriendly and unhelpful. The best people I met in Indonesia were the Balinese (Hindus) and the Christian Bataks of northern Sumatra who mostly live around Lake Toba. Their ancestors just 150 years ago were head hunters, so they are not a people you upset. I met a bunch of them on the bus trip up from Panang, on the west coast of Sumatra, to Lake Toba. We ended up getting very drunk on their local Rum and singing Frank Sinatra songs! A memorable journey. From Penang I traveled to Bangkok where I settled down to live and work for 30 years. During that time the 4 southern provinces neighbouring Malaysia where a lot of moslems live were always causing trouble. At one stage, PM Taksin Shinawatra got so frustrated with the constant terrorist attacks on innocent Buddhists that he sent the army in to clean up the mess. They killed a lot of moslems, but he was ousted in a coup shortly afterwards and the clean up stopped. A pity. He was well on the way to eliminating the problem. You can read about it here: I saw the bodies of six dead policemen that were shot up by a group of over 20 islamic terrorists. It was not a pretty sight. The murders committed down there are truly horrific...on a par with anything ISIS is doing in Iraq. School children blown up, or decapitated. Rubber workers hacked to death. Teachers shot. The list of atrocities is endless. Now you know why I am such a dedicated fighter against islam. I have seen the carnage and the hate. I will never allow that to happen in our beloved Australia.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:11:29 +0000

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