Someone recently asked me how much money I currently make? My - TopicsExpress


Someone recently asked me how much money I currently make? My answer: I actually dont even know, Ill ask my accountant/bookkeeper. Whats my point? Well first, when youre truly working from your heart and your the pocket, you tend to not even think about the money. I know that may sound weird for some, but when you get to a certain point of your life, it makes complete sense. Sure, the money is important although its absolutely a fact that when you provide value, the money follows...and let me just say, it sure as heck follows nicely ;) Secondly, when youre so committed to what youre doing and working as much in 1 day as others work in 3 or 4 piles up faster than you can count it. By the way, please know its not only about working hard but also working SMART. See I have hundreds of hours in my you may be thinking thats a typo or I wrote that wrong....NOPE. I have hundreds of hours in my day. How? I learned to outsource my work. This was a major challenge I had for a while. See, I had to do ALL the work. No one will ever do it the way I want it...on and on and on. So I loaded myself up with all of this work, with these limiting beliefs running in my head. The moment I realized that I can only go so far income wise, freedom wise, workload wise and many other areas...I decided to start outsourcing. Do you know what I found out? Ill tell ya ;) I found out that there are people out there that did the same work I wanted done 10000x better than I would have done it. I found out that I had more time in my day. I found out that I was making more money because I was now able to focus more of my time on income producing activities rather than those activities that took hours upon hours of editing for one single video, or one single task. I found out that I was costing myself more money when I was doing it all myself. I found out that there is so much talent out in the world that I started to appreciate more and more. Im sure that answers your question of how the heck do I have hundreds of hours in my day, although in case youre still wondering...Ill break it down. I have 24 hours in my day. Staff member I hired has 24 hours in her day...that now totals 48 hours. Another Staff member I hired has 24 hrs in his day...that now totals??? Shit...I dont know either. hehe 72 hours right? My friend, you get my point? ;) You can have hundreds and thousands of hours in your day because you are outsourcing your work. Now two questions that you may be asking yourself while reading this and paying attention to every word that Ive written... 1) Robert, I dont have money to be paying other people to do work for me. How can I make this work? 2) Robert, how do I know what tasks to outsource and what to do myself? My Answer for Question #1: First off my friend, delete the words I dont have out of your vocabulary and replace them with How can I. Secondly, outsourcing is not expensive at all. You can simply go to many of these sites online like guru (dot) or fiverr (dot), etc... and have work done for you for as low as 5 bucks. See, this was part of my challenge. I always related outsourcing work with having to hire someone part time or full time and then I thought it would cost about $300/week for someone part time and about $600/week (or so) for someone full time. Truth is, just because you are outsourcing work to someone does not mean you have to hire them part time or full time. You simply start by getting a price quote for one specific task, and go from there. It might be 5 bucks, it might be 30 bucks, heck it may be 100 bucks. Think about how long that task would have taken you and the fact of what that task may be taking AWAY from you. What do I mean? Well, is it taking you away from working on something else that can generate you that money right back and then some? Is it taking you away from sending out an email blast? Is it taking you away from writing a nice value-based post like this that tons of people will share which will earn you tons of appreciation tokens (trust me, appreciation tokens are worth a lot). Well talk about that on a future post. Is doing the task yourself taking you away from your loved ones? What is doing the task taking you away from? Then ask yourself: Whats worth more? So for a quick recap, ask yourself and the world How can I afford to outsource my work? (specifically for the reason of conditioning yourself to utilize the words How Can I and deleting those other words that I cannot even remember because they are already long gone :) ) Next, I encourage you to realize that outsourcing is not expensive, although doing it yourself can be extremely expensive and cost you more than only money....(pssst, your time). Okay, I hope that for Question #2: I would say to monitor your daily behaviors. Choose one day, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. Wake up, do your morning thang (unfortunately I have not found a way to outsource brushing my teeth...although (looking up with my hand on chin thinking).....nah nevermind :) Okay after that, I personally say thank you once my feet hit the puts me in a pure stage of appreciation from the beginning of my day. Next, grab a piece of paper and pen, and every thing you do, write it down. Here is a random example of daily tasks that one may do: (Business wise) 1. Opening Up Facebook 2. Checking Emails 3. Writing Email to list 4. Checking FB inbox messages 5. Creating sales video 6. Editing sales video 7. Shooting value-based video 8. Writing a blog-post 9. Creating a design for a website 10. Configuring some html/code for a new page 11. Making phone calls 12 through 100. Errands from wife ;) (this one applies for all husbands) Now, which ones above can be outsourced? Yes, Im asking you....which ones above can be outsourced? Yup, youre right...ALL OF THEM. Ah huh, 12 through 100 as well ;) (shhh, I just say...yup babe, got em all done) I still earn those brownie points, right? Okay, all kidding aside... Whats my point? I challenge you each day from the day you are reading this post to outsource 1 task. I have a complete rolodex of people that Ive come across that literally are capable of doing every single aspect of my business. You are welcome to message me and I will have no problem sharing those contacts :) The only tasks that I religiously do myself are handle my Facebook and send out emails to my lists. Why? Because I love the personal touch, I love connecting with others, I love helping others. Guess what? Others appreciate it as well. I have thousands and thousands of customers within the 2 years that Ive been online so far...and when they get a response from me...yes directly from me, they are head over heels and you know what? I simply love it and they do as well! I always visualized myself as a super successful person going out one night or maybe after an event of some sort (whether it was my event or someone elses)...doesnt matter. The main thing I visual is seeing myself sitting and talking with ANYONE that wanted and needed help to get to the next level (here I go, starting to tear while I write this). Remember this my friends, and please take this to heart. You are never TOO GOOD to help are never TOO GOOD to talk to someone else that is asking or may need your help. I promise that this is the only time you will read me writing or saying the words You are never TOO GOOD because truth is you are incredible, you are born for success, you are here on this Earth for greatness....although when it comes to a point that you feel you are better than others or allow your ego to get in the way, youre done. So to recap for Question #2, outsource everything you can. If you feel the same way I do about having the personal touch with others, then I would say besides that and brushing your teeth and wiping your....well you get the point...OUTSOURCE IT! Have you noticed I never mentioned how much money I do make in this entire post and that was the main question this entire post stemmed from? Why? Because it really doesnt matter my friends. The real questions are How many lives are you helping?, How many people are you helping?, How many people around you are successful?....My Answer: A LOT and many more everyday. Okay folks, its getting a bit late. I love you. I appreciate you. Lets all get richer together. Not only richer in a monetary sense but in all areas of our lives. If you feel youve had a breakthrough and/or value from this post, please SHARE this. Your friend and mentor, Robert Mercado Boom! (mic drop) P.S. Its funny how it works but when you start making really good money, no one asks you anymore how much you make the person that did ask me, thank you! You inspired me to write this post :) You know who you are, I appreciate you!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 04:41:47 +0000

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