(Sorry for the lengthiness of this post. Normally, I would post - TopicsExpress


(Sorry for the lengthiness of this post. Normally, I would post something this size as a blog, but I chose to share it this way) I came across an article written on a blog I would rather not share. The guy has made it his mission to discredit and poke fun at fundamentalists (or fundies as he likes to call them). He goes to conferences such as Sword of the Lord, etc. as sort of an underground spy. My blood always boils when I read his stuff, but when I was reading through it a few minutes ago, I came across the name Sam Davison. My blood really boiled then, because I think very highly of brother Sam. But then I read something amazing. If you ever read anything from this guy, you would agree the following speaks very loudly. Here is a quote: When I accepted this mission I did so with more than a little trepidation. I knew I would be going back into that world and not just to some rural outpost but also to the mother ship. I will not lie, I was uneasy about going back even just as an observer. I will have to say I had many expectations of the fundieness I would encounter and for the most part I have not been disappointed. Tonight, however, I ran into something that I would not have expected at a fundie fest like this. I saw God lifted up and glorified as I have seldom seen by an Independent Fundamental Baptist. I saw love and compassion without the trappings of legalistic standards. I saw grace delivered without a truncheon. I heard the love and the compassion that walks hand in hand with Jesus Christ, being preached in a way that was foreign to that pulpit so many times this week (at least so far as the evening services have gone). I was taken aback by Sam Davison this evening. Though there are points of church governance I would disagree with him on, I never once felt the need to draw my sword and shield in a defensive posture with his preaching tonight. Of all the “Doctors” I have heard this week, Mr. Davison, who was not billed as a Doctor, has delivered the most godly sermon of the conference (evenings) so far. Mr. Davison preached the God of the Bible with freedom, a God not bound by the Independent Fundamental Baptist box, but the almighty creator God he reveals himself to be. Most of the others have preached a god they believe to be no bigger than the covers of their genuine, calfskin, black leather, King James Bible. I have now sat through four nights of preaching but tonight I heard a message of love, grace, compassion and caring from a pulpit I did not suspect would have any this week. That has been my reward for this mission and I hold on to it as a special treasure. I do not know Sam Davison personally or professionally but if this message is indicative of the man then he exhibits godly character. He may be a fundie’s fundie once one gets to know him, I do not know, but he has earned my respect this day. To this I say Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 21:41:24 +0000

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