Spreading Light Throughout Your World Click to play Monday, - TopicsExpress


Spreading Light Throughout Your World Click to play Monday, December 22, 2014 Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). He also said of His followers—which includes modern believers—“You are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:14). Both statements are true because Christians act as lanterns for Christ. While we ourselves are not the Light, we are holders of light. People who are stumbling in the darkness of sin and despair can look at believers and see hope. From within us glows the truth of Jesus Christ—the message of salvation through forgiveness of sins. We allow Him to shine forth not only when we speak about biblical truth but also when we model His ways. Righteous behavior gets attention because it’s so different from the selfish, unsatisfying lifestyle typical of the world. Many who see our light will want Jesus for themselves. Reflecting Him to the world is the believer’s God-given job, so we must keep our flame bright. That means protecting our relationship with God by spending time praying and reading His Word. Otherwise, we will make unwise decisions, our fervor for the Lord will begin to lessen, and unbelievers won’t be able to see contentment or joy in us. We must also keep our lantern spotless by resisting temptation. Sin soils the believer’s testimony. However, when we do sin, our slate is wiped clean through confession and repentance. It’s a great honor to reflect Jesus to the world. Don’t allow negligence or wrongdoing to dim your flame. Someone in your sphere of influence needs your “lantern” to guide him or her toward the true Light of the world.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:57:15 +0000

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