Stand together, yet not too close together: “For the pillars - TopicsExpress


Stand together, yet not too close together: “For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each others shadow.” A huge lesson can be taken from these words, as the comparison is almost perfect. A couple lives together, but each one must respect the other’s space. A home is a temple that should be sustained by two pillars: each one in its position, so that support is given to the temple. If the pillars get too close to each other, the temple might come down. That is why the prophet recommends: “Stand together, yet not too close together.” The objective of marriage is the union of the couple, not the fusion of the people. You cannot live the other persons life, you cannot control what the other person likes or dislikes. It is necessary to grow, and even more important, it is necessary to allow the other one to grow as well, and not to become each other’s shadow. If couples observed these small but efficient advises, they surely would live together with more harmony, in a more agreeable way. Think about it! True love is the one who understands, forgives, renounces. In the name of love, we should hold our hands together to offer support to each other and not to try to get chained to one another. The one who loves offers security, confidence and affection. Remember that the person you share your life with is not yours; you do not own him or her. It is a soul searching for its own perfection, as well as you are. At last, keep the prophet’s recommendation: “Love one another but make not a bond of love.”
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 17:12:34 +0000

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